A new diet...

By Vichara

Everyone needs to go on diet today! A diet to cut out the calories of confusion and the excessive manipulation from the frenetic babble shoved at us. It is one thing to be informed but it is another thing to be fattened by gratuitous news and gossip 24 hours a day. I know, we all in a certain way think it’s just for fun and we don’t listen all the time but it can be silently insidious. We take a small bite of some salacious story and that leads to another to another, then another to another and we are fattened by the frivolous. Today’s thought harkens back to the same vein as yesterday about how much time is spent in repetitive actions. By cutting one salacious story and replacing it with one nurturing or creative activity may not seem like much but it is a start. Pretty soon your mind and presence will be mentally svelte and lighter. You’ll be passing by that mental mirror and be thinking…”lookin’ good honey!”

flexuous • \FLEK-shuh-wus\ • adjective
1 : having curves, turns, or windings
2 : lithe or fluid in action or movement
Example Sentence:
The last leg of the trail is a flexuous path leading up the mountain to a spectacular panoramic view of the valley.
Did you know?
English author Thomas Hardy was fond of the word "flexuous" and described his dark-haired Tess as "the most flexuous and finely-drawn figure." "Flexuous" may be a synonym of "curvy," but it's not the word most likely to be chosen these days to describe a shapely woman. The botanists' use of "flexuous" to describe plant stems that aren't rigid is a more typical use today. But don't let that tendency deflect you from occasionally employing this ultimately quite flexible word. Stemming straight from Latin "flectere," meaning "to bend," it can also mean "undulating" or "fluid." It might, for example, be used of writing or music, or of something or someone that moves with a fluid sort of grace.

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