Dear World...

By Vichara

Dear World,

I’m tired of you tripping over the obvious. Most of the time you need to be reminded of what good there is around us at any given moment. There are times yes you might shine but for the most part you like to wallow in the tragedies of the day. You do this because it allows you to avoid the reality that there is indeed a lot of more good in the world than bad. The only reason you don’t see this is because that illuminated box you turn on in the morning in your living room or the little box on your desk like to only focus on the bad news. They do this and it dampens any hope that may exist at the nucleus of the day. Please stop doing this and give the little lights of hope and compassion a chance to shine a little brighter.

Yours sincerely,

All of us gathered here

Lesson your suffering...

By Vichara

Right view, right resolve, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration. Some may recognize these from the Buddhist “eightfold path”. Guideposts that leads to the cessation of suffering. Regardless of where they come from they are powerful things to set in place to create a mindset that encourages and helps us lead better lives. Can we achieve all of these, yes. Will it be easy to achieve all of these, no. There are many temptations linked to desires that will be tempting. They are “smoke and mirrors” of Maya presenting itself daily in our lives. While in any culture the desires to obtain, own, hold and collect is difficult to overcome but in those with media manipulation it becomes even harder. Recognizing this fact is half the battle but from that perspective you can gain a better resolve and create a starting point where you can build the foundation of components of the eightfold path and lesson your individual suffering and of course lesson suffering globally.

Your mound of clay...

By Vichara

The day is like clay and you are the sculpture. There are various elements that may be difficult to bend, to twist and to shape the way you want to but it is all yours to create. While there may be some individuals that will try to lend a hand wither willingly or unwillingly the end result is still your responsibility. You are the creator. Take this mound of clay that is your day and create a thing of beauty, grace and compassion and tomorrow you get to create another one.


By Vichara

You can’t take care of things unless you are taking care of yourself. For the most part there is no AAA that can be used; it’s up to you. The methodology for the external is fairly simple. Eat well-balanced nutritious meals, keep yourself hydrated, enjoy some physical activity on a regular basis, try to refrain from excessive abuse in using alcohol or drugs and get enough rest. The maintenance of the internal can be far more rigorous and challenging. The corridors of the mind can be fraught with anxieties and frustration. It can run to the extreme ends of pure joy and love. The key to the maintenance for the internal is not as pragmatic as the external but their success is both based on balance, the middle way. We all know how we feel when we overindulge and for some of us we know when there is a complete void of both love and nutrition. This is not an avocation of an austere lifestyle but a promotion of leading a balanced life filled with exploration tempered with compassion. From this vista you will gain access to the tools that will not only engage you to take care of yourself successfully but also the world around you – internally and externally.

Celebrating impermanence...

By Vichara

Our impermanence has become for some fodder for celebrations. While keeping someone’s existence in your heart after their death I often wonder when an anniversary of a sad or tragic event becomes an obsession and an igniting point of even more intense and sometimes irrational behavior. We know or have heard of people who mark the day when someone was gunned down, died from an accident from a drunk driver or perhaps some other less tragic way. While yes any way you lose a friend or a member of your family to death is sad and heartbreaking but what I find troubling is when a person’s life, existence and what they gave to all is overshadowed by the event of their death. I would think, and this of course is just my opinion, that there is a greater need to remember and celebrate what a person gave to us all in their lives than the conditions and results of their demise. Instead of celebrating or remembering the anniversary of someone’s death why not celebrate their lives and what they gave to us all on a daily basis in small ways.

The connection...

By Vichara

There is an old Chinese proverb that states when you are friendly, humble and polite, the divine spirit will come to you as naturally as the water flowing down in the valley. I believe that this stream is ever present, in whatever you label you call it and it is merely diverted by distractions from our attention. Sometimes we just need to be reminded by example that this divine spirit that connects us all does exist. All you need to do is one simple act of love, compassion and patience during the day and that stream will be flowing right in front of you.

The path..

By Vichara

One of the reasons we are “here” is not necessarily to solve things but to discover things that illicite more discussion, more discovery and interaction. It is in this interaction we discover the seeds of communion that unites us. The more union of thought the more there is an opportunity to see beyond the maya that is set up as a stumbling block and to lead one another on to a clearer path. This is sometimes not so easily obtained with the many diversions that are set up in our paths. However we can try to take a collective step back, blow away the smoke and turn the mirrors away. It is here is the vista is much more defined and from here the path is clearer. Remember this is a “buddy” system, when one falters it is up to us all to help the other back on to the path.


By Vichara

I read today is apparently the International Day Of Peace. I was not aware that this day was designated as such then of course in my mind I thought what about the other 364 days in the year. Are they not meant to be peaceful as well? Of course that is my mind and I know that this day is meant to be the catalyst point to being more cognizant of being peaceful. Plato once wrote “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle”. While of course to what degree of a battle one is dealing with is subjective we are all dealing with issues where we all need empathy and compassion. Which brings us back to peace and trying to retain a peaceful manner throughout our day. In theory it is not a hard thing to do but in practice it can be challenging because we are all dealing with issues, which can distract us from having a peaceful path. I have a suggestion that perhaps may help us along the way. Find a peaceful quote, perhaps the one I shared from Plato, write it down on a peace of paper and keep it in your pocket. As you go through the day you can pull it out and remind yourself of retaining a peaceful manner and at the same time keeping present in the moment. We’re all in the same boat, let a peaceful manner help us steer it.

A new vantage point...

By Vichara

The innocence of the heart can only be revealed when chronic skepticism is torn from the fabric of the person and an open space is created for the heart to discover that it really is not a truly bad world. Bad comes from indifference and the lack of compassion. When your vision is refracted by intolerance and dismissive behavior it becomes myopic and you will always have great difficulty in connecting with the world in a truly meaningful manner. While a innocent heart can be interpreted or viewed as naïve and Pollyanna like the vision from this vantage point is much more expansive and is filtered with much more acceptance. But if you prefer to live in a narrow hallway that has little to choose from or to see that is your choice. My guess is that for the most opening up the expansive window or vision with innocence is preferable and more enjoyable than existing in the hallway of indifference.

The direction...

By Vichara

It’s not which direction we are facing so much; it’s how we are facing the direction. Our attitude of each situation is governed by the internal processing either in the receptive positive way or an unresponsive negative way. While there can be outside influences the decision in how things are dealt remains ultimately with you and your attitude.


By Vichara

In the early dark morning as I “sit” there is this one single bright star in the west. At the time I arrive it sits just above the dense foliage of one of the trees that border our property. I have now come to look for it before my meditation time. It has become my “north star” that is set there to guide me into the morning. Of course I want to fantasize a bit and believe that my Mum is embodied in the star and is saying good morning to me and is guiding me. Do you have a north star that is helping guide you along the way? A moralistic compass that provides the direction to turn when confusion rears itself onto your path? For me I keep a journal that I fill with quotations and things I hear that I use to remind and help guide my path. I dip into this journal from time to time to find guideposts. Perhaps this type of thing may benefit some of you. My north star is fading with Mr. Sun as it rises so I will leave you with this one from my journal.

“Patience is always in the slow lane”.

A new day...

By Vichara

It’s far from over…so what will you do today?

You have another chance…what will you change?

You can begin again…but you need to stay present.

It’s up to you.

Key to happiness?...

By Vichara

Is there a key to true happiness? So many books, TV shows, magazines all of them claim to know the key to happiness that will change our lives. While admirable in their attempt this topic has been investigated by hundreds and hundreds of people both young and old for centuries and what they have come up with hundreds and hundreds of answers. I believe as naïve & simple as it may seem I have the key. There is no one key to happiness. With each individual person there is an individual key unique to that person. As much as there may be commonalities that we may all share in one way or another when we try to apply one measurement of happiness to all it will fail. The one thing that I believe we can all agree on is the foundation where happiness can flourish is when each person can maintain love, hope and compassion for others seeking their key to happiness.

Frail things...

By Vichara

I am again reminded of the frailties of life on a number of levels this week. As some of you may know of the avian part of my life and the flock of feathered friends that I tend. This past week I have been nursing as injured young pigeon, perhaps just 2 weeks old. With the knowledge I do have I have been keeping it warm and providing the regular rounds of fluid and formula to give it’s frail body the needed nourishment. Whatever possible injury it may have I am hopeful and pray that the love and attention we are giving this little thing will allow it to rally around so we can see it gain strength and fly away. That is what I ask for and I hope the universe will grant. These frail moments come at the same time last year when my Mum, in her weakened state fighting cancer, made her transitional journey to whatever you may want to call death. In both cases you stand hopeless and hopeful and can give only what you can to these frail being and pray that whatever intended journey they are on will be the best for each. It is still very hard and you wish you had powers to change things. But we don’t…we are only human.

A "shift"...

By Vichara

The foundation of the world, which is viewed as being formibidle, is more like a house of cards and the cards have started to bend, tumble and tear to revel the true nature. The scandals, the deceit, the manipulation, greed and all of the frailties are being exposed but what do we do when the ruins of greed and deception have been cleared away? Do we finally in a collective resolution bond each other to a more truthful existence? How can this be really done when the extreme desperately still exists and is precariously held together by the human ego? Perhaps we can start stripping away some of the “I” of our existence and shift some energies to the “we” and rebuild through patience and compassionate understanding.

Renovation job...

By Vichara

There are times when a renovation job needs to be done on us. I’m not talking about a physical overall as in the cosmetic surgery, although sometimes a new haircut can be fun. No I’m talking about a review of the floor plan of your heart and spirit. To really sit with yourself and see what walls need to be torn down and which parts need to be re-enforced. Yes, it is like when you decide to change the physical structure you live in to accommodate the changes with the way you live or with your family. Some things need to just go to make room for the changes. You are of course not the same person that you were 10 years ago. Hell, you are not even the same person from 10 minutes ago. There will be times when you should call in the architect, contractor, plasterer, painter and decorator to overall parts of your spiritual structure to gain a new perspective on how you see the world.


By Vichara

Spiritul understanding is neither exclusive nor alliusive. Each one of us can attain sufficient understanding in order to gain some solace and refuge from the perceived storms that surround our daily lives. It can all be attained but as with every task it takes patience, work and a resolute nature that the destination is not just for a select few but for anyone who seeks understanding…anyone.

Today's specials...

By Vichara

While we digest yesterday with it’s thoughts, incidents and emotions Today’s Chef is preparing the many courses that will be tomorrow. First course he is calling “Anticipation Greeting Dawn”. This course is fairly light in flavor. It is garnished with quiet morning light with the accent of cooing doves (well at least for me). Then next is “High Noon Nudge-Along” where the minutes of the day crawl up the steep sands of time to slide down the other side. When teatime comes along the Chef has blended an assortment of emotional sorbets to cleanse the palate for the evening’s engagement with friends or family. As the dinner bell rings be prepared for the unexpected delights from the Chef in the form of “Revelation Risotto”, “Teenage Teriyaki Trauma” or “Goofball Gorgonzola”. The thing is with this Chef is that no matter what requests you ask your waiter there will always be surprises from the epicurean emotional menu. Don’t worry the Chef takes MasterCard Of Compassion or Visa Of Patience.

To resolve..

By Vichara

Using a dull blade on a tough surface will never penetrate with precision and clarity and in the end only create a mess. Our attempts to resolve issues with half facts and ill intentions will not produce the rewards of accomplishments unless we balance the whole picture of what are known and the facts. All of this is obtainable and can produce positive results if there is unification between parties. With unification and shared drive to seek a solution all things are possible. Oh, and one other thing…tell a joke and have a few laughs along the way.

You can do it...

By Vichara

Are you creating opportunities or are opportunities creating you? Are you igniting the fires of inspiration or are you being consumed by an act of self-indulgent arson? For the most part in this 21st century you do have a choice. I would imagine that you are not confined by a caste system and that opportunities of learning exist for you. And yet there are some of you out there that find it difficult to take steps forward to learn, to explore and expand your existence. It is not like there may be extreme limitations that exist for you. So when it really comes down to it what is it that is sabotaging steps forward? Is it fear? Fear that you wouldn’t be able to learn or accomplish? That didn’t stop you from walking or riding a bike when you were a kid right? Abandon the fear of failure or looking foolish. If you truly want to move forward recognize that within the missteps are the components of success and achievement. You can do it. Try or make the steps to learn something new today. Who knows where it may take you…

More searching...

By Vichara

We are all searching for “answers”. What if there are none to be found and what we find is merely breadcrumbs on a path that is put there just to keep us moving forward? Moving forward to what? The answer? To some form of understanding? Some peace? I don’t know but I believe for the sake of keeping one’s sanity it may be beneficial to have the faith to believe that this journey that has lead us to this physical being of skin and bones that we inhabit was created for a reason. We all may not be put here to find the perceived big answers but perhaps to help others in finding it.

A blank page...

By Vichara

Someone recently asked me how I think up these “thoughts” and manage to get one up here most every morning. I was asked don’t you ever just go blank or face a blank page and have nothing? Well there is a blank page in front of me right now. The thing is that there is most assuredly an infinite number of ways to look and reflect on the minutiae that surrounds us everyday. Much like the subtle rays of a prism reflecting light and revealing the many hues of colors we should encourage ourselves to be prisms of life. Use our hearts and minds to reflect the life that surrounds us. Breathe in the cavalcade and breathe out possible solutions to what we see. They could be small or grand but at this point the idea is to be engaged with the world around us and contribute in meaningful ways. You see a blank page engaged reflects and produces much like what we all can do on a daily basis through the prism of our own hearts.