Frail things...

By Vichara

I am again reminded of the frailties of life on a number of levels this week. As some of you may know of the avian part of my life and the flock of feathered friends that I tend. This past week I have been nursing as injured young pigeon, perhaps just 2 weeks old. With the knowledge I do have I have been keeping it warm and providing the regular rounds of fluid and formula to give it’s frail body the needed nourishment. Whatever possible injury it may have I am hopeful and pray that the love and attention we are giving this little thing will allow it to rally around so we can see it gain strength and fly away. That is what I ask for and I hope the universe will grant. These frail moments come at the same time last year when my Mum, in her weakened state fighting cancer, made her transitional journey to whatever you may want to call death. In both cases you stand hopeless and hopeful and can give only what you can to these frail being and pray that whatever intended journey they are on will be the best for each. It is still very hard and you wish you had powers to change things. But we don’t…we are only human.

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