Is there one person...
Is there one person that you personally know that you can truly admire? I’m talking about someone that embodies qualities that are forthright, honest, and compassionate and serve as an inspiration to you and those around them. Think about it for a moment and consider the above before making up your mind. My guess is as I have found is that you may think of maybe a few people in your life so far that are “good” people but you would be very lucky if you could identify just one person with qualities described above. That’s ok, these individuals are few and far in between. What you may find however is a couple that you have known or even know now that have very fine qualities and in these qualities would serve as a catalyst to makes things better in your life. One thing to remember…no matter how wonderful an individual may seem they are not perfect. There will be chinks in the armor. After all they and you are human and given the impermanence of our existence things will fluctuate and change and so does the qualities that makes us all human. Ultimate perfection is not attainable but that shouldn’t stop us from striving to have better moral and ethical standards not only to the world around us but to the world within us too.
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