Just do it...

By Vichara

Were do you begin? To coin a popular ad campaign, “Just do it”. To “sit” in a meditation practice for some can be one of the most painful experiences they can have. To sit in one place for a certain length of time without too much movement or getting up and down or clicking things could be met with fear. But the very act of sitting for meditation purposes can be a very healing process. The act of staying in one place is a very useful tool to regain composure, to delve into things you experience, to calm the frenetic energy and to recharge the battery of just being human or in this case humane. Our culture is inherently competitive and even the very act of just driving to work can turn into an endurance race of both patience and fortitude. By taking the time to sit in the morning you give your mind and body a brief respite and an opportunity to form a stable foundation that could allow you to deal with the “bumps” along the way with equanimity. How do you get to this Shangri-La of the spirit? Just do it.

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