The odds of "making it"...
There are some that are compelled with the notion that they need to “make it”. Making it in the sense that the life they have is not good enough, not glamorous enough, not many things. Lets reel things in a bit and reflect for a moment about making it. First off your sheer existence has come about against so many odds. It has been calculated that the odds of a particular sperm and egg to come together are billions to one. Let’s repeat that, the chances of you (as you know it) being born are billions to one. Let’s keep that little nugget of information up front and continue. So just by sheer chance you exist right now and are reading this and by being here…you made it! The rest of what you see, feel and accomplish is, as we say, “gravy”. But you must not take for granted of just “being here” is some form of entitlement; you need to do something with this gift of life that has been given to you. Sure fame & fortune or whatever you believe “it” is can be attainable but so is being a better person, a compassionate person, a person that values ones existence against all odds.
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