Over 7 billion ways...
Today marks the 1000th posting on this site. To all of those that may been checking in over the years I’ve been writing these “thoughts”, I thank you very much. Dank u, Merci, Вы, Danke, Σας ευχαριστούμε, Grazie, ありがとう, 당신을 감사하십시오, Obrigado, Gracias. For those new to reading any of theses “thoughts”, thank you. To those maybe reading these for the first time, welcome and thank you. I feel so honored and humble that you have taken the time out of your day to read one of these “thoughts”. 1000 thoughts, 1000 different ways of thinking of things. Now wait, there are over 7 billion ways of thinking of things. One for every soul that is living and breathing on this planet right now. The unification factor for all of these beings and the way that will truly create a new paradigm, a new vision, a new radical template is only through Love, Patience and Compassion. We need to create a revolution of Compassion! A movement not driven by manipulative, self-centeredness & entitlement, but one that recognizes and acknowledges that at our basic core we are all suffering to various degrees and make an effort to aliviate each others suffering. We need to reach out in compassionate gestures both big and small and to convince those around us by our compassionate actions that we can all make a difference in the world, everyone of us. Again thank you everyone for taking the time to read these thoughts. I hope in a small way they help or initiate a conversation for postive change. If you are compelled please leave a comment or thought of what you think here. I would appreciate hearing from you from wherever you are on this planet.
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