The connection of commonalities...

By Vichara

If you will allow me to divert a degree with today’s posting. This particular site allows me to see what countries around the world are clicking in to what I am writing and generally how many times. Whenever I take a look I am always surprised and most importantly grateful for all of you to take time out of your day to read what I am writing. There is one thing that truly interests me more than anything. What is it in the words and thoughts shared that interests and connects someone in Russia, Germany, Austria, Cambodia, China, Ireland, US, Australia, UK, Indonesia, Canada and other countries that check in and out. To tell you the truth it inspires me to think that even though there are geo political borders that separate us the commonalities shared link us together. If there is a compassionate seed planted there is an opportunity for an empathetic forest to grow and spread not the negative but the positive fruits of mutual support and encouragement. We see the obsessive glut of overindulgence. We are shown everyday with great fanfare and indulgence the negative aspects of the world. The media obsesses over the missteps of individuals, the latest possibility of a potential trend and how we need to follow what they say. How about we just keep things simple and “no” and just be plain nicer to each other. I realize that this is a little naïve thing to say but all it takes is one small step in that direction. I want to thank you all that take the time to read these thoughts. If you are so compelled I am truly interested in how each one of you sees the world. Please leave a comment, thought or just a hello.


"You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within himself." – Galileo

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