Our 3 pound wonder...

By Vichara

A typical brain contains about 100 billion neurons, consumes a quarter of the body’s oxygen and spends most of the body’s calories even though it only weighs about three pounds. For something so little it uses a lot doesn’t it? The question is are you getting your money’s worth. Are you engaging your brain enough besides the general YouTubing, texting while walking and indulging in watching endless hours of American Idol auditions? Sure you need a perceived balance to justify and believe you need these activities but are you reaching out and stretching the capabilities of this 3-pound wonder? Are you pushing little guy into warp drive? We are all guilty of not pushing our super computers enough but we could all do better. Take a flashlight of curiosity and investigation and give the grey matter a little more of a workout with something new. Light up a path of new knowledge and wonder and get those neurons all fired up!

yellow-dog • \yel-oh-DAWG\ • adjective
1 : mean, contemptible
*2 : of or relating to opposition to trade unionism or a labor union
Example Sentence:
The workers were all bound under yellow-dog agreements, so they weren't able to appeal to any union forces to help renegotiate their contract.
Did you know?
In the 19th century, the noun "yellow dog" developed a derogatory sense, meaning a low, despicable person. This usage probably came about from the traditional association of the color yellow with cowardice. Just before the turn of the century, "yellow-dog" started to be used by writers who were derogatorily describing organizations that expressed opposition to trade unions. The popularized term "yellow-dog contract" referred to an agreement made by an employer and employee in which the employee agrees not to join a labor union during the time he or she is employed. While such contracts proliferated in the 1920s, they were later made unenforceable in U.S. federal courts under the Norris-LaGuardia Act (1932).

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