Being thankful #50...

By Vichara

While there are many things that may seem out of our influence, there are still things that we can be thankful for on a daily basis. While there are those that choose to bicker and fight in a sophomoric childish fashion, there is still an ability among us to work together with resolve. While there are some truths that many around us fail to see, we must still treat each other with Love, Compassion and Patience.

theriac • \THEER-ee-ak\ • noun
1 : a mixture of many drugs and honey formerly held to be an antidote to poison
2 : cure-all

Example Sentence:
"Chicken soup may not really be a theriac," said Helen, sniffling between spoonfuls, "but there certainly is something comforting about eating it when you're feeling sick."

Did you know?
There really is no such thing as a single remedy for all that ails us. But that hasn't kept English speakers from creating, not just a single word, but several words, that mean "cure-all": "catholicon," "elixir," "nostrum," "panacea," and today's word, "theriac." When we first used "theriac," it meant "an antidote for poison" -- for any and all poisons, that is. That's how our Roman and Greek forebears used their "theriaca" and "thēriake," which derive ultimately from the Greek word for "wild animal." The first theriac was supposedly created by the first-century Greek physician Andromachus, whose concoction consisted of some 70 drugs pulverized with honey. Medieval physicians created even more elaborate theriacs to dose a plague-dreading populace, for whom the possibility of a cure-all didn't seem too wild a notion at all.

Being thankful #24...

By Vichara

The average life expectancy rate for us here in the so-called civilized world is 78. If you lived in the sub-Saharan Africa it is 47. When a great percentage of us are looking forward to perhaps a future retirement, spending time with the kids or even grandchildren those is this region have gone. The planetary walk for those in Swaziland is even less…32 years. I am not saying to give up the whiling away of time in leisurely activities I am just pointing out that for some the luxury of time in pretty non-existent. We should be cognizant and not to look at the idea of shrugging of this mortal coil as something that doesn’t happen to us, it will so we should use the time we have with compassionate acts and help each other along the way.

exonerate • \ig-ZAH-nuh-rayt\ • verb
1 : to relieve of a responsibility, obligation, or hardship
2 : to clear from accusation or blame

Example Sentence:
Dwight was exonerated for the crime of taking the money after it was found that his fingerprints did not match those on the cashbox.

Did you know?
We won't blame you if you don't know the origins of today's word. "Exonerate" derives via Middle English from the past participle of the Latin verb "exonerare," meaning "to unburden," formed by combining the prefix "ex-" with "onus," meaning "load" or "burden." ("Onus" itself lives on with that meaning in English.) In its earliest uses (dating from the 16th century), "exonerate" was used in the context of physical burdens -- a ship, for example, could be exonerated of its cargo when it was unloaded. Later it was used in reference to any kind of burden, until a more specific sense developed, meaning "to relieve (someone) of blame.

Being thankful #77...

By Vichara

So today only some of you get to drink water, the rest of you get to drink whatever you may find on the ground or in some discarded container that may have collected some moisture. That doesn’t seem fair or safe does it? 40% of the world’s population does not have access to safe drinking water. For the most part we all take for granted that we can get a drink of water anytime, anywhere at anytime. Just go over to the sink, turn the knob and there you go. Go to the fridge or convenience store and just buy a bottle of fancy water. There is virtually no worry that we can get one of the most basic and required elements of life to sustain us. But for some the search for water can be one of the integral parts of one’s day. Remember this as you leave the water running or reach for that bottle.

prodigy • \PRAH-duh-jee\ • noun
1 : something extraordinary : wonder
2 : a highly talented child

Example Sentence:
Musical audiences are fascinated by the prodigy, that rare and remarkable youngster who possesses technical mastery to rival that of the best adult performers.

Did you know?
Is a prodigy a genius or a monster -- or both? Nowadays, it's the talent that shines through, but back in the 15th century the word's meaning was more strongly influenced by that of its Latin ancestor, "prodigium," meaning "omen" or "monster." Back then, a prodigy could be any strange or weird thing that might be an omen of things to come. Even in modern English, the word sometimes refers to an extraordinary deed or accomplishment. P.G. Wodehouse used that sense when he described how a character named Pongo Twistleton was "performing prodigies with the [billiard] cue."

Being thankful #42...

By Vichara

What can you do with $2.00? You may be able to buy a cheap cup of coffee, certainly not a Starbucks one that’s for sure. A sandwich at your favorite lunch place?, maybe. A whole dinner? Certainly not even with the cheap menus. How about $2.00 for the entire day for you? 56% of the world’s population survives on $2.00 a day while the average American spends around $3,400 a year on food & beverages. For the majority of us, we are truly blessed. If you left your house this morning without the pang of hunger that plagues a great percentage of then be thankful. 850 million are hungry all of the time and I’m not just talking about between meals.

consigliere • \kohn-sil-YEH-reh\ • noun
: counselor, adviser

Example Sentence:
After years of being a consigliere to the CEOs of Silicon Valley's top giants, Norman has decided to break out and head his own high-tech enterprise.

Did you know?
If you're a fan of The Godfather series of movies, the character Tom Hagen may have already come to mind. Hagen, the Corleones' family lawyer, was famously dismissed by the Don's successor and son Michael Corleone because he was not a "wartime consigliere." The word "consigliere" comes from Italian and has been a part our language since 1615; it was originally used of someone who served on a council in Italy. Currently, it is most commonly used to designate advisers to the Mafia -- a use that first appeared in English in a document from a 1963 session of the U.S. Senate. It is also often used generally of a political or financial adviser, or any other trusted adviser for that matter.

Being thankful #128...

By Vichara

Tcb hlqp pg Om Apuutr Bturddsop bbwojkdh. Ohgt gaferk ga kkaol nrathy ggaqu hjira ha. Lrteamko garj jjurat lpio. Hfart jyago gajs hayu he was. Tfarp ngai nfatke bgai jagsuy ooartmb nagsyok.

No this is not some code or secret language, it is how 2 million people on this planet see words on a page. These 2 million people can’t read. This is not just in some third world countries; this is how it is for those even in our own backyard. Consider how fortunate we all are that we can read and explore the beauty of words. We have the ability not to just share this with friends and family and to be able to read stories to our kids. Just another thing to be thankful for today.

bilious • \BILL-yus\ • adjective
1 a : of or relating to bile b : marked by or suffering from liver dysfunction and especially excessive secretion of bile
2 : of or indicative of a peevish ill-natured disposition
3 : sickeningly unpleasant

Example Sentence:
Molly's bilious demeanor made her ill-suited for a job in customer service, and she was let go from the position after two weeks.

Did you know?
"Bilious" is one of several words whose origins trace to the old belief that four bodily humors (black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, and blood) control temperament. Just like "phlegmatic" ("of a slow and stolid phlegm-driven character"), "melancholy" ("experiencing dejection associated with black bile"), and the recent Word of the Day "sanguine" ("of a cheerful, blood-based disposition"), "bilious" suggests a personality associated with an excess of one of the humors -- in this case, yellow bile. "Bilious," which first appeared in English in the mid-1500s, derives from the Middle French "bilieux," which in turn traces to "bilis," Latin for "bile." In the past, "bile" was also called "choler," which gives us "choleric," a synonym of "bilious."

Flip the switch...

By Vichara

When you turn the light on in a room it is of course to allow you to see your way so you won’t trip and fall. The action of flipping the switch is so habitual it is almost second nature. The same sort of switch exists within ourselves to help us see our way through difficulties and challenges but for some reason we may not have developed this second nature trigger movement within ourselves like we have with the physical light switch. We all have this internal mechanism, but of course the key is that we need to develop it. How do we do this? Many ways, but the “gate” as far as I can see is to be of course cognizant that you all have this and take at least 5 minutes a day, breathe and observe your body’s reaction to the thoughts and allow them to find the switch, the answer, the illuminated path.

interloper • \in-ter-LOH-per\ • noun
: one that intrudes in a place or sphere of activity

Example Sentence:
As he watched the startled doe and her fawn dart off into the woods, Nelson felt like an interloper in the forest world.

Did you know?
When English speakers combined "inter-" with "-loper" in the late 1500s, they already had a word "landloper" (now archaic) for "a person who runs about the land" (in other words, a vagrant). The "-loper" part of "interloper" is related to Middle Dutch and Old English words meaning "to run" and "to leap." An "interloper" is essentially one who jumps into the midst of things without an invitation to do so. In its earliest uses, "interloper" referred specifically to one who interfered in trade illegally -- that is, a trader who trespassed on the rights or charters of others. Sometimes "interloper" even referred to a ship employed in illegal trading. But the word quickly took on extended use, coming to refer not just to intrusion in trade but also in personal affairs or other matters.

Just by walking around...

By Vichara

Just by walking around, we change the world. Our presence here is the culmination of a billion factors that has resulted in this living human being that can have thoughts and inspire the many. Take a hand and support those in need. Make some laugh and turn around their day. Hold that one that is sad and make them feel wanted. So much riding on simple gestures but as you have heard, the simple can also be so profound. In our compassionate wake we can change the world just by walking around.

flack • \FLACK\ • verb
: to provide publicity : engage in press-agentry

Example Sentence:
The billionaire's former mistress has been in the tabloids and on the talk-show circuit as of late, flacking for her juicy tell-all.

Did you know?
The word "flack" was first used as a noun meaning "publicity agent" during the late 1930s. According to one rumor, the word was coined in tribute to a well-known movie publicist of the time, Gene Flack. Another rumor holds that "flack" derives from a similar-sounding Yiddish word for someone who talks about someone else's affairs. The editors of Merriam-Webster dictionaries remain skeptical about these claims and have listed the etymology of "flack" as "unknown." We can say with confidence, however, that the verb form of the word appeared in Maclean's in 1963. You may also be familiar with another "flack" -- a noun meaning "criticism" or "opposition." This unrelated homograph stems from a misspelling of "flak," a German acronym and English word for antiaircraft guns.

Today's mission...

By Vichara

Today’s mission is code named Barrier Buster. The objective is to open your eyes to the delusional aspects of what is being dictated to you and rise above being manipulated by the media. Call upon your independent, personal sense of value and be guided by this instead of what is being flashed at you on the screen. Start taking back what that was stolen from you. If you are and average TV watcher in America by the time you reach the age of 65 you will have spent 9 years watching TV. Start taking some of it back.

tetchy • \TETCH-ee\ • adjective
: irritably or peevishly sensitive : touchy

Example Sentence:
Nico sensed that his sister was in a tetchy mood, so he decided to wait until the next day to ask to borrow her car.

Did you know?
"Tetchy" is a word that may have been coined by Shakespeare -- its first known use in English occurs in Romeo and Juliet (1592). Etymologists are not certain how the word came about, but some have suggested that it derives from "tetch," an obsolete noun meaning "habit." The similarity both in meaning and pronunciation to "touchy" might lead you to conclude that "tetchy" is related to that word, but there is no conclusive evidence to suggest such a connection. The adjectives "teched" and "tetched," meaning "mentally unbalanced," are variations of "touched," and are probably also unrelated to "tetchy."

Who? Me?...

By Vichara

In the “Big Karmic Wheel Of Life” we will think “what the hell is going on with these people and why are they bothering me?” When our inner voice calls out with distain it might be time to pause and contemplate what karma we have created personally to bring about these situations. Personally? Wow, that is tough to think about that we ourselves personally have helped create these situations that trouble us…but we have. Maybe it is in a little way or in a bigger way. All things are inter-connected and we all have the obligation to be personally responsible for out thoughts and actions. After all, we created them. Now turn off the light before you leave!

euphony • \YOO-fuh-nee\ • noun
1 : pleasing or sweet sound; especially : the acoustic effect produced by words so formed or combined as to please the ear
2 : a harmonious succession of words having a pleasing sound

Example Sentence:
The poet chose words for the sake of euphony and rhythm as well as rhyme.

Did you know?
"Euphony" was borrowed from French at the beginning of the 17th century; the French word ("euphonie") itself derives from the Late Latin "euphonia," which in turn traces back to the Greek adjective "euphōnos," meaning "sweet-voiced" or "musical." "Euphōnos" was formed by combining the prefix "eu-" ("good") and "phōnē" ("voice"). In addition to its more commonly recognized senses, "euphony" also has a more specific meaning in the field of linguistics, where it can refer to the preference for words that are easy to pronounce; this preference may be the cause of an observed trend of people altering the pronunciation of certain words apparently in favor of sound combinations that are simpler and faster to say out loud.

Knock, Knock?...

By Vichara

Knock, Knock? Who’s there? Today. Today who? Today, who knows where we are going but let’s try not to engage in discursive conversation and vengeful actions and at least do one thing that encourages not, discourages another person. Let’s do one single thing that will take us one step farther in building a better foundation of support for each other. In a world currently pointing a lot of fingers let’s use them to point us in a better direction than to point out blame.

surly • \SER-lee\ • adjective
1 : menacing or threatening in appearance
2 : irritably sullen and churlish in mood or manner : crabbed

Example Sentence:
Vicki almost reported the surly cashier to the store manager, but then decided against doing so, telling herself that he was probably just having a bad day.

Did you know?
In its very earliest uses in the 16th century, "surly" meant "majestic" or "lordly." These early meanings make sense when you know that this word is an alteration of Middle English "serreli," which probably comes from "sire, ser," a title formerly used as a form of address for men of rank or authority. So how did a word with such lofty beginnings come to be associated with grumbling rudeness? Arrogant and domineering behavior is sometimes associated with men of rank or position, and "surly" came to mean "haughty" or "imperious." These meanings (which are now obsolete) led to the "rude" sense that is very common today.

Clearing the path...

By Vichara

The extent of our compassion is measured by the capacity in our heart to receive love ourselves. If the chamber and vessels leading to this area are clogged with prejudices and hatred there will never be an outlet for you to complete the continuum of a fulfilled life. When there is hesitancy, look for the reason and make an effort to clear that pathway, then the next one and so on. The world will breathe much easier all around you and through you.

lout • \LOUT\ • noun
: an awkward brutish person

Example Sentence:
Because the three louts behind him in the movie theater were being loud and obnoxious, Jonah decided to move to another seat.

Did you know?
"Lout" belongs to the large group of words we use to indicate an undesirable person, a boor, a bumpkin, a dolt, a clod. We've used "lout" in this way since the mid-1500s. As early as the 800s, however, "lout" functioned as a verb with the meaning "to bow in respect." No one is quite sure how the verb sense developed into a noun meaning "a brutish person." Perhaps the awkward posture of one bowing down led over time to the idea that the person was personally low and awkward as well.

Clarity Pt. 1...

By Vichara

What is not clear should be cleared up. What is not easy to do should be done with great persistence.

culminate • \KUL-muh-nayt\ • verb
1 of a celestial body : to reach its highest altitude; also : to be directly overhead
2 : to rise to or form a summit
3 : to reach the highest or a climactic or decisive point

Example Sentence:
Weeks of civil unrest culminated in a protest march of over 25,000 people in the capital square.

Did you know?
"Culminate" was first used in English in the 17th century, in the field of astronomy. When a star or other heavenly body culminates, it reaches the point at which it is highest above the horizon from the vantage point of an observer on the ground. The word derives from the past participle of the Medieval Latin verb "culminare," meaning "to crown," and ultimately from the Latin noun "culmen," meaning "top." As something culminates it rises toward a peak. These days the word is most familiar to English speakers in its figurative usage, meaning "to reach a climactic or decisive point."

Plugged in...

By Vichara

For many today, this will be their last day. There is a certain amount of comfortable passivity that we retain in a day just to get by but other than those moments are you engaged? Besides what is required of us in our work world to allow us to have home and other luxuries, are we cognizant that this moment that is possibly spent in some irrelevant story of some presumed celebrity we will never get back. This hour watching mindless TV show is gone. This day spent literally and figuratively sleeping, gone. Don’t wallow in quilt of this start taking back this time by getting yourself plugged in. Be engaged until you feel it buzzing through your body…oh and have some fun!

replete • \rih-PLEET\ • adjective
1 : fully or abundantly provided or filled
2 a : abundantly fed b : fat, stout
3 : complete

Example Sentence:
The children were delighted to find that the costume trunk was replete with dresses, hats, capes, and all sorts of props to play make-believe.

Did you know?
Given that one of the roots of "replete" is the Latin verb "plēre," meaning "to fill," it isn't surprising that the word has synonyms such as "full" and "complete." "Replete," "full," and "complete" all indicate that something contains all that is wanted or needed or possible, but there are also subtle differences between the words. "Full" implies the presence or inclusion of everything that can be held, contained, or attained ("a full schedule"), while "complete" applies when all that is needed is present ("a complete picture of the situation"). "Replete" is the synonym of choice when fullness is accompanied by a sense of satiety.

Where are you?...

By Vichara

Of the time you spend in your head thinking, what is the percentage spent in a) the past, b) the present and c) the future? There is no wrong of right answer just take a moment to reflect of where our thoughts take us. Do we spend more of it thinking about things that have happened from the past that we cannot change? Do we spend time thinking about things that has not happened yet or do we spend time in this present moment and being with people and things that we love. Again no wrong or right answer but I would venture a guess that most of us are either in the past or the future. Where are you?

arcanum • \ar-KAY-num\ • noun
1 : mysterious or specialized knowledge, language, or information accessible or possessed only by the initiate -- usually used in plural
2 : elixir

Example Sentence:
The author, a physicist, adeptly demystifies arcana of her field with lucid, accessible prose.

Did you know?
The word "arcanum" (pluralized as "arcana") came from Latin "arcanus," meaning "secret," and entered English as the Dark Ages gave way to the Renaissance. It was often used in reference to the mysteries of the physical and spiritual worlds, subjects of heavy scrutiny and rethinking at the time. Alchemists were commonly said to be pursuing the arcana of nature, and they sought elixirs for changing base metals into gold, prolonging life, and curing disease. The frequent association of the word with the alchemists' elixirs influenced the use of "arcanum" for "elixir."

What's important to you...

By Vichara

In a Johns Hopkins survey people were asked what they considered very important to them. 16% said making a lot of money but 87% said their first goal was finding a purpose and meaning to their lives. Which begs many questions including if finding a purpose is important why do we spend billions of dollars in “distractions” each year. My speculation is that for the most part that those in the 78% area don’t generally discuss this commonality. Perhaps this electronic campfire, the Internet, could be a place where we share, encourage and support each other in this search. Today for me what is really important is that if there is some other dimension where we all go that once I get there my sister Cindy will be there and say “see there, it was all worth it wasn’t it”. How about you?

kvell • \KVEL\ • verb
: to be extraordinarily proud : rejoice

Example Sentence:
Critics kvelled over the violinist's triumphant return to the stage where she had made her debut many years ago.

Did you know?
We are pleased to inform you that the word "kvell" is derived from Yiddish "kveln," meaning "to be delighted," which, in turn, comes from the Middle High German word "quellen," meaning "to well, gush, or swell." Yiddish has been a wellspring of creativity for English, giving us such delightful words as "meister" ("one who is knowledgeable about something"), "maven" ("expert"), and "shtick" ("one's special activity"), just to name a few. The date for the appearance of "kvell" in the English language is tricky to pinpoint exactly. The earliest known printed evidence for the word in an English source is found in a 1952 handbook of Jewish words and expressions, but actual usage evidence before that date remains unseen.

The see-saw...

By Vichara

From the biggest to the smallest, from the weakest to the strong, we all share the same DNA that makes us these humanoid beings that are capable of so much pain and yet so much beauty. Where is that line that divides the choice to contribute, support and celebrate our fellow human achievements and the demarcation point that manipulates, destroys and abuses that what makes us unique. And once we identify this catalyst point how do we maintain the see-saw of events in a positive way. Perhaps it is in those states I refer to all the time that will keep the see-saw positive. Love – to retain a sense of support. Patience – to be able to wait and help each other and Compassion – to remember how we all feel in similar situations and circle back to the beginning – Love.

circumlocution • \ser-kum-loh-KYOO-shun\ • noun
1 : the use of an unnecessarily large number of words to express an idea
2 : evasion in speech

Example Sentence:
Mr. Harvey was notorious for his tendency to engage in endless circumlocution when a simple, brief explanation would suffice.

Did you know?
In The King's English, grammarian H.W. Fowler advised, "Prefer the single word to the circumlocution." Alas, that good advice was not followed by the framers of "circumlocution." They actually used two terms in forming that word for unnecessarily verbose prose or speech. But their choices were apt; "circumlocution" derives from the Latin "circum-," meaning "around," and "locutio," meaning "speech" -- so it literally means "roundabout speech." Since the 15th century, English writers have used "circumlocution" with disdain, naming a thing to stop, or better yet, to avoid altogether. Charles Dickens even used it to satirize political runarounds when he created the fictional Circumlocution Office, a government department that delayed the dissemination of information and just about everything else.

Extra, Extra!...

By Vichara

Extra, Extra read all about it, woman finds paradise in rush hour traffic…man on commuter train discovers peace in his own lifetime…two kids find absolute joy in their own backyard! It’s all around us at any given moment. No matter what you do to ignore it, it will be there like a shadow. It comes in many shapes and sizes, colors and tastes. Simple joys that will refresh and ignite new ways of seeing and feeling things. They are there in front of you right now. Breathe deeply…relax…look right in front of you…there’s another one!

usurp • \yoo-SERP\ • verb
: to seize and hold by force or without right
Example Sentence:
In her first managerial position, Hannah was hesitant to delegate critical tasks for fear that a subordinate might usurp her position.
Did you know?
"Usurp" was borrowed into English in the 14th century from the Anglo-French word "usorper," which in turn derives from the Latin verb "usurpare," meaning "to take possession of without a legal claim." "Usurpare" itself was formed by combining "usu" (a form of "usus," meaning "use") and "rapere" ("to seize"). Other descendants of "rapere" in English include "rapacious" ("given to seizing or extorting what is coveted"), "rapine" ("the seizing and carrying away of things by force"), "rapt" (the earliest sense of which is "lifted up and carried away"), and "ravish" ("to seize and take away by violence").

A way back?...

By Vichara

It has been written and proclaimed that “God” is a truly kind entity / presence and nothing can come from God except goodness and kindness. So begs the question if nothing but goodness is attributable from God who’s responsible for the bad. What if there is no other entity as identified in literature and spiritual texts as the Devil. What if the troubles and negative conditions are as a result of our own human deviation from a more unified, loving, compassionate existence to a selfish, manipulative, unsupportive one. Wherein after centuries of fighting and non-unity we have personally mutated conditions that have spun out of control so far it is difficult to see a road back. Perhaps the only way to find balance is to create a more trustful, compassionate existence where we can ALL turn back the majority of what we have created and live a more unified life.

wormhole • \WERM-hohl\ • noun
1 : a hole or passage burrowed by a worm
*2 : a hypothetical structure of space-time envisioned as a long thin tunnel connecting points that are separated in space and time
Example Sentence:
Some science fiction writers speculate that wormholes will become the intergalactic highways of the future.
Did you know?
If you associate "wormhole" with quantum physics and sci-fi, you'll probably be surprised to learn that the word has been around since Shakespeare's day – although, admittedly, he used it more literally than most modern writers. To Shakespeare, a "wormhole" was simply a hole made by a worm, but even the Bard subtly linked "wormholes" to the passage of time; for example, in The Rape of Lucrece, he notes time's destructive power "to fill with worm-holes stately monuments." To modern astrophysicists, a wormhole isn't a tunnel wrought by a slimy invertebrate, but a theoretical tunnel between two black holes or other points in space-time, providing a shortcut between its end points.


By Vichara

If even given the brightest light would there be enough illumination to see? In most cases…no. This is not to be negative but a statement of fact. Even if one were given what they need right in their own hands, there would always be a desire for what “else” is out there. While of course this could be understood as an element that sparks adventure and discovery, it does not address the satisfaction of what we have and being grateful for whatever that may be. This of course could be said as human nature but I believe this could be but only in certain geographic areas of he world. There are those that even in this modern fast paced electronic world that are thankful for a single pencil and a piece of paper, a single vital meal, the ability to stand on two legs and walk and having someone to talk to. Let’s try to be a little more grateful today.

haptic • \HAP-tik\ • adjective
1 : relating to or based on the sense of touch
2 : characterized by a predilection for the sense of touch

Example Sentence:
Katy could tell one kind of yarn from another purely by haptic clues.

Did you know?
"Haptic" (from the Greek "haptesthai," meaning "to touch") entered English in the late 19th century as a medical synonym for "tactile." By the middle of the 20th century, it had developed a psychological sense, describing individuals whose perception supposedly depended primarily on touch rather than sight. Although almost no one today divides humans into "haptic" and "visual" personalities, English retains the broadened psychological sense of "haptic" as well as the older "tactile" sense.

Knock, Knock!...

By Vichara

Knock, Knock? Who’s there?...YOU!...You who?...The one reading this…no wait, there’s more of you. There’s the laughing you, the thinking you, the sad you, the troubled you, the smart you, the leader you, the follower you, the loving you, the angry you. Gather all that is you up, because each part is as important as the other, you have been given a new day and a new set of puzzles to figure out. But hey don’t worry, we are all in this together. And say if I get stuck you can help me and if you get stuck I will help you. Now there’s a novel approach to existence…helping each other out? Pssssst – pass it along, it may catch on!

appellation • \ap-uh-LAY-shun\ • noun
1 : an identifying name or title : designation
2 archaic : the act of calling by a name
3 : a geographical name used to identify wine

Example Sentence:
We used to call him "Danny," but he recently let us know that he prefers the appellation "Daniel."

Did you know?
Ask a Frenchman named "Jacques" his name, and you may very well get the reply, "Je m'appelle Jacques." The French verb "appeller" means "to call (by a name)," so Jacques' answer literally translates to "I call myself Jacques." Knowing the function of "appeller" makes it easy to remember that "appellation" refers to the name or title by which something is called or known. "Appeller" and "appellation" also share a common ancestor -- the Latin "appellare," meaning "to call or summon," formed by combining the prefix "ad-" ("to") with another verb, "pellere" ("to drive"). "Appellare" is also the root of our word "appeal" (by way of Anglo-French and Middle English), as well as "appellate," referring to a kind of court where appeals are heard


By Vichara

We are all searching for “answers”. What is there are none to be found and what we find is merely the “breadcrumbs” on a path that is put there just to keep us moving forward. Moving forward to what? To some form of understanding? Some peace? The answer? I don’t know but I believe for the sake of keeping one’s sanity it may be beneficial to have the faith to believe that this journey that has lead us to this physical being of skin & bones that we inhabit was created for a reason. We all may not be put here to find the perceived big answers, but perhaps to help others to find it.

precocious • \prih-KOH-shus\ • adjective
1 : exceptionally early in development or occurrence
2 : exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age

Example Sentence:
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a precocious child who, by the age of five, was already composing his first musical pieces.

Did you know?
"Precocious" got started in Latin when the prefix "prae-," meaning "ahead of," was combined with the verb "coquere," meaning "to cook" or "to ripen," to form the adjective "praecox," which means "early ripening" or "premature." By 1650, English speakers had turned "praecox" into "precocious" and were using it especially of plants that produced blossoms before their leaves came out. By the 1670s, "precocious" was also being used to describe humans who developed skills or talents before others typically did.