We are all searching for “answers”. What is there are none to be found and what we find is merely the “breadcrumbs” on a path that is put there just to keep us moving forward. Moving forward to what? To some form of understanding? Some peace? The answer? I don’t know but I believe for the sake of keeping one’s sanity it may be beneficial to have the faith to believe that this journey that has lead us to this physical being of skin & bones that we inhabit was created for a reason. We all may not be put here to find the perceived big answers, but perhaps to help others to find it.
precocious • \prih-KOH-shus\ • adjective
1 : exceptionally early in development or occurrence
2 : exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age
Example Sentence:
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a precocious child who, by the age of five, was already composing his first musical pieces.
Did you know?
"Precocious" got started in Latin when the prefix "prae-," meaning "ahead of," was combined with the verb "coquere," meaning "to cook" or "to ripen," to form the adjective "praecox," which means "early ripening" or "premature." By 1650, English speakers had turned "praecox" into "precocious" and were using it especially of plants that produced blossoms before their leaves came out. By the 1670s, "precocious" was also being used to describe humans who developed skills or talents before others typically did.
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