Clearing the path...

By Vichara

The extent of our compassion is measured by the capacity in our heart to receive love ourselves. If the chamber and vessels leading to this area are clogged with prejudices and hatred there will never be an outlet for you to complete the continuum of a fulfilled life. When there is hesitancy, look for the reason and make an effort to clear that pathway, then the next one and so on. The world will breathe much easier all around you and through you.

lout • \LOUT\ • noun
: an awkward brutish person

Example Sentence:
Because the three louts behind him in the movie theater were being loud and obnoxious, Jonah decided to move to another seat.

Did you know?
"Lout" belongs to the large group of words we use to indicate an undesirable person, a boor, a bumpkin, a dolt, a clod. We've used "lout" in this way since the mid-1500s. As early as the 800s, however, "lout" functioned as a verb with the meaning "to bow in respect." No one is quite sure how the verb sense developed into a noun meaning "a brutish person." Perhaps the awkward posture of one bowing down led over time to the idea that the person was personally low and awkward as well.

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