Knock, Knock?...

By Vichara

Knock, Knock? Who’s there? Today. Today who? Today, who knows where we are going but let’s try not to engage in discursive conversation and vengeful actions and at least do one thing that encourages not, discourages another person. Let’s do one single thing that will take us one step farther in building a better foundation of support for each other. In a world currently pointing a lot of fingers let’s use them to point us in a better direction than to point out blame.

surly • \SER-lee\ • adjective
1 : menacing or threatening in appearance
2 : irritably sullen and churlish in mood or manner : crabbed

Example Sentence:
Vicki almost reported the surly cashier to the store manager, but then decided against doing so, telling herself that he was probably just having a bad day.

Did you know?
In its very earliest uses in the 16th century, "surly" meant "majestic" or "lordly." These early meanings make sense when you know that this word is an alteration of Middle English "serreli," which probably comes from "sire, ser," a title formerly used as a form of address for men of rank or authority. So how did a word with such lofty beginnings come to be associated with grumbling rudeness? Arrogant and domineering behavior is sometimes associated with men of rank or position, and "surly" came to mean "haughty" or "imperious." These meanings (which are now obsolete) led to the "rude" sense that is very common today.

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