Hey it’s the weekend! …

By Vichara

Happy Friday to everyone! Yeah the weekend is here! For many of us we look forward so much to the couple days at the week’s end to relax and enjoy life. But for millions today this will be their last day on this physical plane of existence, no weekend for them. The garden they were going to work on, not Saturday. That book they were going to read on a lazy Sunday, not going to happen. That phone call you were going to make to Mom, not going to be dialed. Yes there are more hours afforded to you on the weekends but I believe things should be not put off for the sake of 2 days. Start that book now, pick a flower for your desk today, call that person even just to say “hey”. This can all be gone in an instant.

genius • \JEEN-yus\ • noun
1 : a single strongly marked capacity or aptitude
2 : extraordinary intellectual power especially as manifested in creative activity
3 : a person endowed with transcendent mental superiority; especially : a person with a very high IQ

Example Sentence:
Those children have a genius for getting into trouble!

Did you know?
The belief system of the ancient Romans included spirits that were somewhere in between gods and humans and were thought to accompany each person through life as a protector. The Latin name for this spirit was "genius," which came from the verb "gignere," meaning "to beget." This sense of "attendant spirit" was first borrowed into English in the early 16th century. Part of such a spirit's role was to protect a person's moral character, and from that idea an extended sense developed in the 16th century meaning "an identifying character." In time, that meaning was extended to cover a special ability for doing something, and eventually "genius" acquired senses referring particularly to "very great intelligence" and "people of great intelligence.

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