Just for you...
There is certainly enough to read in this world and you should dive in at any opportunity into the great writers and thinkers throughout history. However, as important is for you to write yourself on a daily basis. Just a note or tow, a passing thought or perhaps a small epiphany that may arise in a quiet moment. Keep a small journal, just for yourself. These will record, just for you, the guideposts and stepping stones that will shape where you want and like to go. You will be surprised that when you give yourself a compassionate moment what will be born from your thoughts. The biggest mistake you can make is thinking that your life is ordinary.
castigate • \KASS-tuh-gayt\ • verb
: to subject to severe punishment, reproof, or criticism
Example Sentence:
Before sentencing, the judge angrily castigated the two young defendants for their malicious act of vandalism.
Did you know?
“Castigate” has a synonym in “chastise” -- both verbs mean to punish or to censure someone. Fittingly, both words derive from the same root: the Latin “castigare,” formed from the words for “pure” (“castus”) and “to drive” (“agere”). (“Castus” also gave us the noun “caste,” meaning “social class or rank.”) Another verb derived from “castigare” is “chasten,” which can also mean “to discipline by punishment” but more commonly means “to subdue or make humble” (as in “chastened by his foolish error”). “Castigate” is the youngest of the three verbs in English, dating from the early 17th century, some three centuries after “chasten” and “chastise.”
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