That missing piece…

By Vichara

I believe that each one of us holds a piece of a gigantic jigsaw puzzle that everybody is trying to put together. The trouble lies in that we don’t recognize the others that hold a piece that we are looking for and they with us. For whatever reasons, prejudice, indifference, self-involvement or fear, some of the puzzles will be left unresolved. Next time you are drawn to someone for some strange reason that helps you with that missing piece, you will understand.

glom • \GLAHM\ • verb
1 : take, steal
2 : seize, catch

Example Sentence:
“She signed an affidavit of confession attesting she glommed more than $284,000, the company contends.” (Frank Donnelly, Staten Island Advance, September 15, 2008)

Did you know?
It's a classic case of glomming: Americans seized on "glaum" (a term from Scots dialect that basically means "grab") and appropriated it as our own, changing it to "glom" in the process. "Glom" first meant "steal" (as in the purse-snatching, robber kind of stealing), but over time that meaning got stretched. Today, "glom" often figuratively extends that original "steal" sense. A busy professional might glom a weekend getaway, for example. "Glom" also appears frequently in the phrase "glom on to," which can mean "to appropriate for one's own use" ("glom on to another's idea"); "to grab hold of" ("glom on to the last cookie"); or "to latch on to" ("glom on to an opinion" or "glom on to an influential friend.

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