Finding the pieces...

By Vichara

Are we conducting our lives by just filling in the needed blanks like a crossword puzzle or word game? Are we merely just filling time in an effort just to get by to the end of each day so we can escape to the pillow so we can hide for a few hours? Of course the problem with that is everything will pretty much be there where it was when we put our heads down to sleep. Is lack of engagement underscored with the feeling that most cannot and will not get resolved? I believe that the majority of our unresolved or difficult situations are like finding the pieces like in a big jigsaw puzzle. They exist, all of them, but they may not be in close proximity to where you are. They may not be in your circle of things you are reading. We may all need to turn to the most unlikely places but this will take a great deal of openness, acceptance and engagement to things where you have been closed before.

melee • \MAY-lay\ • noun
: a confused struggle; especially : a hand-to-hand fight among several people
Example Sentence:
The shoppers' voices grew tense as they argued over the last Cool Sally doll, and for a moment I feared that a melee might erupt.
Did you know?
"Fray," "donnybrook," "brawl," "fracas": there are many English words for confused and noisy fights, and in the 17th century "melee" was thrown into the mix. It comes from the French "melee," which in turn comes from the Old French "meslee," meaning "mixture." "Meslee" comes from the Old French verb "mesler," or "medler," which means "to mix." This verb is also the source of "medley" ("a mixture or hodgepodge") and "meddle" ("to mix oneself in others' affairs" or "to interfere").

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