I wonder...
I ask myself naively, are these thoughts that I write normal? Is what I think and write here something that is shared with that many other people? Of course those of you who stumble upon these “thoughts” here and other writings by greater minds than me are obviously in tune to a more conscious state, but what about the others we don’t know. When you are in line at the grocery store and you look at that person in front of you, do they think these thoughts? When someone cuts you off in traffic, does this person think of the greater good of mankind? I realize these are slightly exaggerated examples but I do wonder if the universal radio station of love, patience and compassion has a pre-set button in their hearts or is their radio controls left on “random” with the slight chance that a fleeting compassionate thought may pass by and luckily divert their self-absorbed thoughts? Harsh perhaps, but I wonder?
vignette • \vin-YET\ • noun
1 : a running ornament or design (as of vine leaves, tendrils, and grapes) on a page
2 a : a picture (as an engraving or photograph) that shades off gradually into the surrounding paper b : the pictorial part of a postage stamp
3 *a : a short descriptive literary sketch b : a brief incident or scene (as in a play or movie)
Example Sentence:
As a writing exercise, Jamie filled her journal with vignettes about her teachers and classmates.
Did you know?
"Vignette" comes from Middle French "vignete," the diminutive form of the noun "vigne," meaning "vine." In English, the word was first used in the mid-18th century for a design or illustration that ran along the blank border of a page, or one that marked the beginning or end of a chapter. Such designs got their name because they often looked like little vines. It wasn’t until the late 19th century that usage of “vignette” had shifted to cover a brief literary sketch or narrative, as we commonly see it used today.
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