Spread the news...

By Vichara

Bad news sells, good news sits waiting for the bus. Perhaps by watching all the negative news that it in a way lessons the severity of our own personal problems, but I think not. It is what the media wants you to believe but I do believe there is an alternative. While yes human tragedy and depravity will always exist, it is up to each one of us to try to tip the see-saw of negative news by contributing one good act a day. There are many people out there that are doing this as you read this but most will go unnoticed. It is of no fault of their own, just our cultural indulgence of the negative. How about when you encounter or are involved in a “good” thing that you spread the news and like that old commercial, they will tell 2 friends and they will 2 friends and so on and so on. The tide can turn away from most of the negative; one voice at a time…spread the news.

deterge • \dih-TURJ\ • verb
: to wash off : to cleanse
Example Sentence:
In order to prevent infection, it is necessary to properly deterge and disinfect the wound.
Did you know?
"Deterge" is not a particularly common word in the English language. However, it is related to a word with which most of us are likely familiar: "detergent." Like "detergent," "deterge" comes (possibly by way of French "déterger") from the Latin verb "detergēre," itself from "de-" and "tergēre" ("to wipe"). "Deterge" entered the English language in the early 1600s and has primarily been used in medical contexts, such as Ambrose Cooper's 1757 recipe for Vulnerary Water: "This Water is of excellent Service in Contusions, Tumors attending Dislocation, Fractures and Mortifications, the Part affected being bathed with it. Some also use it to deterge foul Ulcers, and incarn Wounds…."

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