Be hungry for life...

By Vichara

Be hungry for life. Look at what you are seeing like it will be the last time you see it. “Here” is where the colors will become more vivid, “here is where the sounds of nature more pronounced and sweeter, “here” is where the fragrance of tree, flowers and fruit will seem just a bit more enhanced. Of course it is your choice. You can reach for this deeper sense of connection with the world around you or keep rushing by with impatience that will never give you the quality you deserve and need. It can all start right now.

quash • \KWAHSH\ • verb
: to nullify especially by judicial action

Example Sentence:
Thanks to a loophole in the law, the defendant's lawyers were able to persuade the judge to quash the indictment against their client.

Did you know?
There are two "quash" verbs in English, and although their meanings are vaguely similar, they have entirely different origins. Both essentially mean to get rid of something -- you can quash a rumor, for example, or you can quash a judicial order. The legal term "quash" (defined above) comes from an Anglo-French word, "casser," meaning "to annul," and ultimately from Latin "cassus," meaning "void." The other "quash" means "to suppress or extinguish summarily and completely." It derives from the Middle English word "quashen," meaning "to smash," and ultimately from a form of the Latin verb "quatere," meaning "to shake."

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