Special event today...

By Vichara

There is a special event happening today. Of course keeping in mind the time zones for each of you this will happen at 3:05 pm no matter where you are. There is no need to prepare, other than a jacket if needed, because we will all be going outside for this event for a few minutes. At 3:05 step outside (without cell phones, crack berries, walkie talkies or things that go beep) and look to the northeast. Stand or sit and look to the northeast for 5 minutes to see this singular event happening today and only today. When finished I / we would all be interested in what you saw so feel to post a comment on this page. Looking forward to 3:05 pm today!

rugose • \ROO-gohss\ • adjective
1 : full of wrinkles
2 : having the veinlets sunken and the spaces between elevated

Example Sentence:
Sam has happy memories of being a child in his grandmother's lap, stroking her soft, rugose face.

Did you know?
"Rugose" was borrowed into English in the late 17th century from the Latin adjective "rugosus" ("wrinkled"), which itself derives from "ruga" ("wrinkle"). One descendant of "ruga" that you'll probably recognize is "corrugate," which initially meant "to form or shape into wrinkles or folds." Another, which might be more familiar to scientists, is "rugulose," meaning "finely wrinkled." In addition, there is the noun "rugosity," which can refer to either the quality or state of being full of wrinkles or an individual wrinkled place.

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