BOO! We’re you scared? Did you get frightened? Don’t worry it’s not a nasty ghoulish goblin here to make you shiver with fright; it’s something scarier it’s…YOU! Ooooooh no! Yes you creator of all the fearful things, the master of mayhem & macabre. Scarier than Chuckie, Jason & Freddy, it’s you. How do you stop being so scared? It’s not with a crucifix and garlic, it’s something more rare than exotic potions, lotions and incantations it’s with…compassion. Compassion for yourself and others around you. By adding a dollop of this magical property into your lives the walls of resistance and reticence begin to reduce themselves and your vision of existence starts to become clearer. And from clarity comes understanding and equanimity. But since it’s Halloween don’t forget a wooden stake in case you run into a vampire!...BOOOO!!!
pescatarian • \pess-kuh-TAIR-ee-un\ • noun
: one whose diet includes fish but no meat
Example Sentence:
As she savored the bite of fish taco -- a food she had dearly missed since being on her vegetarian diet -- Gwyneth thought to herself, "I'll just have to consider myself a pescatarian instead."
Did you know?
The word "vegetarian" sprouted up in 1839. "Fruitarian" ("a person who lives on fruit") ripened by 1893. In 1944, vegetarians who consume no animal or dairy products began calling themselves "vegans." Then, in 1993, those who eat fish but no other meat chose "pesce," the Italian word for "fish," to create the designation "pescatarian." In that same year, "meatatarian" was served up as a word for those whose diet largely includes meat; that word is rare, however, and is usually used in informal and humorous ways, making it the type of fare not included in our dictionaries. Another fairly recent dietary word that we will be chewing over when we next update our dictionary is "flexitarian," a person who follows a mostly vegetarian diet but occasionally eats meat or fish.
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