Open shores...
You are an island, a collective of senses, tasks, emotions and declaratives. A mass of energies that will astound you with their depth and resourcefulness if…you grant them space, serenity and compassionate support to develop and create your own personal language that could not only guide your heart but for those around you as well. Keep the waters of love, communication and openness free from hindrances and obstacles. Build a channel of shared knowledge that can support and elevate each other. Retain dams and obstacles and you perpetuate selfishness and isolationist attitudes. Yes celebrate the unique quality of being your own island but share in its strength, beauty, knowledge and open shores of communication.
regimen • \REJ-uh-mun\ • noun
1 : a systematic course of treatment or training
2 : government, rule
3 : a government in power : regime
Example Sentence:
Sherry’s personal trainer at the gym started her on a workout regimen of 30 minutes on the treadmill followed by 30 minutes of weight training.
Did you know?
We borrowed "regimen" straight from Latin, spelling and all -- but in Latin, the word simply meant "rule" or "government." In English, it usually refers to a system of rules or guidelines, often for living a healthy life or taking a regular dose of exercise. The Latin "regimen" derives from another Latin word, the verb "regere," which means "to lead straight" or "to rule." If you trace straight back from "regere," you'll find that "regimen" has plenty of lexical kin, including "correct," "erect," "region," "rule," and "surge." If you are using the "training" sense of "regimen," be careful not to confuse the word with "regiment," another "regere" descendant, which is used for a military unit.
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