The self or you?...

By Vichara

What is more important; you or your self? The actual you with all the nooks and crannies of emotions or the self which you present to the world? You are probably thinking you can’t have one without the other, they are tied together right? Why yes they are but the self is the entity protected in many ways by the armor of defense mechanisms and projections that you want to show the world. While yes to show a whole you could be fraught with anxieties that if you were out there completely it would be open to possible manipulation by others. Sadly that could be true but not to be more of you, the self that is projected could consume who you truly are and get lost. Think of the self as a comfortable windbreaker jacket, while it can serve its function it is you that is more important.

littoral • \LIT-uh-rul\ • adjective

: of, relating to, or situated or growing on or near a shore especially of the sea

Example Sentence:

The report shows dramatic improvement in the condition of the state's littoral waters since the cleanup effort began.

Did you know?

You're most likely to encounter "littoral" in contexts relating to the military and marine sciences. A "littoral combat ship" is a fast and easily maneuverable combat ship built for use in coastal waters. And in marine ecology, the "littoral zone" is a coastal zone characterized by abundant dissolved oxygen, sunlight, nutrients, and generally high wave energies and water motion. Most of us, however, are more likely to encounter the noun "littoral," which refers to a coastal region (and more technically, to the shore zone between the high tide and low tide points). Although the adjective is older -- dating from the mid 17th century -- the noun, which dates from the early 19th century, is more common. "Littoral" comes to English from Latin "litoralis," itself from "litor-" or "litus," meaning "seashore."

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