Thanksgiving 2009...

By Vichara

What are you thankful for? This is the day we are to set aside to give thanks for what we have. To put aside the frenetic daily activities, stop and reflect with those around us of the gratitude we have for the things we have and can share. The family that has gathered physically and in our hearts and all the wonderful opportunities we have had and what will be. Whatever stories we have heard as children about Indians, pilgrims, the cold, the hardships and corn at the core of this day we put aside. This month is the transitions of the seasons. The rural celebration of having completed the harvesting of foodstuffs for the winter months and gathering our families and friends who toiled together with the collective harvest no being represented on the table. While for the most of us that type of lifestyle barely exists personally so try to take a moment away from the mutated gorging, excessive football watching, tryptophan coma afternoon to find one thing to be thankful of and one thing you could do to make things better for you and those around. Think about it like planting a “seed of potentiality” that could reap a harvest of blessings for you and those around you at this time next year.

scrumptious • \SKRUMP-shus\ • adjective

: delightful, excellent; especially : delicious

Example Sentence:

To celebrate their first Thanksgiving in their new home, Ilene and Paul prepared a scrumptious feast for 12 guests.

Did you know?

First appearing in English in 1830, "scrumptious" is a mouth-watering word that is used to describe what is delightful and delectable. It probably originated as an alteration of "sumptuous," and it carries the elegant and wonderful connotations of its parent. ("Sumptuous" derives via Middle English from the Latin verb "sumere," meaning "to take or spend.") British author Roald Dahl had some fun with “scrumptious,” and created a delightful coinage, when he inserted the infix “-diddly-” into the word to make “scrumdiddlyumptious,” the word that chocolate magnate Willy Wonka uses to name his best-selling treats in his novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1964).

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