A guidance system of the heart...
You’re not pedaling fast enough! You’ll never get there like that! You need to keep up, push harder! But to where and from what starting point? Unless there is an understanding, the demarcation point and the desired goal even if it is a scratch, you will never have a clear vision of how to get there. While there is merit with planning and there are advantages in being malleable in the execution I do believe that no matter how you get there and the means you use to get there it is important to be guided by a tracking system of beliefs. A moral GPS that when confronted by a twist or a turn on the road it will safely guide you through the possible difficulties of the life terrain. However remember when you install your moral GPS system make sure that you leave room for “upgrades” that will allow for improvements in guidance from new sources. It is with enhancements that you will surely get “there” guided by the compass of truth.
incoherent • \in-koh-HEER-unt\ • adjective
1 a : lacking coherence: as b : lacking cohesion : loose * c : lacking orderly continuity, arrangement, or relevance : inconsistent d : lacking normal clarity or intelligibility in speech or thought
Example Sentence:
I found myself unable to follow the movie’s rambling and incoherent plot.
Did you know?
Something that is coherent holds or sticks together firmly, with resistance to separation (that is, it coheres). “Coherent,” ultimately from the Latin “co-” (“together”) and “haerēre” (“to stick or cling”), entered English in the 16th century and almost from the beginning was used both of physical things (“coherent stone”) and of things which hold together in a much less palpable way (“coherent thoughts”). Its antonym, “incoherent,” entered the language about three-quarters of a century later. Like “coherent,” “incoherent” can be applied to both the tangible and the intangible. But, whether we are speaking of sand or logic, all things incoherent have one thing in common: they do not hold together, literally or figuratively, in a unified or intelligible whole.
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