The subtle things...

By Vichara

Sometimes we may sit and wonder if this, you know the life we have had so far, if this is it? Is what we see and hear and feel the rewards of this life? I think we sometimes try to quantify things beyond reason. We try to measure our life sometimes with the grand spectacles of what we see on TV and movies. The lavish happy endings with shiny things and a sweeping measure of orchestral music to accompany and underscore as the credits roll. But of course we know that this is not reality, at least for most of us. I believe because of this disillusioned vision we have been subjected to we sometimes miss out on the real rewards, the ones that can be so subtle we may miss them. For me at least I had one yesterday by seeing two Red-Whiskered Bulbuls birds in my sycamore tree. This was a rare sighting for me and another wonderful simple subtle reward in my ornithology life. For you it will be something completely different than this but at least try to be a little more cognizant of the subtle simple things as they too add to the rich tapestry of your life.

pied-à-terre • \pee-ay-duh-TAIR\ • noun

: a temporary or second lodging

Example Sentence:

The couple owns a home in San Francisco and a pied-à-terre in Greenwich Village.

Did you know?

In French, "mettre pied à terre" means "to dismount." In the cavalry, dismounting at the end of the day meant occupying whatever temporary quarters were available. French speakers began using "pied-à-terre" (literally, "foot to the ground") for a temporary lodging of any sort back in the 1700s. English speakers adopted the term in the early 1800s, using it, as the French did, for a home away from home. Depending on who you are, a pied-à-terre can be anything from a sprawling villa in Naples to a one-room cabin on the Snake River, but nowadays it most frequently refers to an apartment maintained in the city.

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