Change is happening, right now...

By Vichara

The body regenerates 50 trillion cells everyday. Your body therefore in this process has changed into virtually a new person everyday. Given this fact we have an opportunity to use this process to shed those things unimportant and trivial, just as our bodies shed the unnecessary cells in it’s natural process of change. Change is happening as you read this, join the club.

jackleg • \JACK-leg\ • adjective
1 a : characterized by unscrupulousness, dishonesty, or lack of professional standards * b : lacking skill or training : amateur
2 : designed as a temporary expedient : makeshift

Example Sentence:
"Ted Dawson was a pretty good jackleg carpenter." (Stephen King, It)
Did you know?
Don't call someone "jackleg" unless you're prepared for that person to get angry with you. Throughout its more than 150-year-old history in English, "jackleg" has most often been used as a term of contempt and deprecation, particularly in reference to lawyers and preachers. Its form echoes that of the similar "blackleg," an older term for a cheating gambler or a worker opposed to union policies. Etymologists know that "blackleg" appeared over a hundred years before "jackleg," but they don't have any verifiable theories about the origin of either term.

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