To gain wings...

By Vichara

To have wings like the hummingbirds circling outside my window this morning and to gain an element of freedom not known to us. To at least transcend the gravitational pull and rise up to a new perspective. Obviously we physically do not have these appendages to achieve this ability but we can develop these abilities spiritually and morally. The delusional aspects that bind us to a perspective of hopelessness and futile actions can be, in degrees, lifted and elevate us at least metaphysically to a new vista by recognizing the “attachments” that tie us to this plane. While temporarily satisfying some aspects of our lives, these attachments of material things and misguided thoughts will never sustain us. It is in the unified communion of love, compassion and patience with each other that will give us all wings.

mohair • \MOH-hair\ • noun
: a fabric or yarn made wholly or in part of the long silky hair of the Angora goat; also : this hair
Example Sentence:
This year's product line includes coats and sweaters made from mohair produced in Texas.
Did you know?
"Mohair" entered the English language in the 16th century, spelled variously as "mocayare," "mockaire," "mokayre," and "moochary." It was borrowed from Italian "mocaiarro," a word which itself was borrowed from Arabic "mukhayyar." The adjective "mukhayyar" meant "select" or "choice." How this Arabic adjective came to be the English noun "mohair" is a bit of a mystery. It is possible that "mukhayyar" was used as a colloquial noun in the sense of "wool of prime quality" (that is, "choice wool"). In English, the shift from "mocayare" and similar spellings to "mohair" was likely influenced by the more familiar English word "hair."

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