A shift of vision...

By Vichara

Gandhi once said, “An eye for an eye, makes the whole world blind”. Let’s say now, today, as we wake up and meet the world, “A heart for a heart makes the whole world see”. By engaging in one simple act of kindness rooted in a compassionate heart, we can make a difference. One simple act will inspire another to another to another until it becomes a force and not a tiny voice, as some perceive it to be. By bucking the system of negativity we can take control of a world with a vision of love, patience and compassion.

lanuginous • \luh-NOO-juh-nus\ • adjective
: covered with down or fine soft hair : downy
Example Sentence:
"The Leaves of the young Branches are like those of the Quince, green without, and white and lanuginous underneath, and serve for Food for the Elephants." (Monfieur Pomet, "Figs," History of Druggs, 1709)
Did you know?
You're likely to come across "lanuginous" in only a few contexts, botany and spelling bees being the best candidates. In other contexts, the more common term is "downy." "Lanuginous" has an unsurprising pedigree. It's from the Latin word "lanuginosus," which is in turn from "lanugo," the Latin word for "down." ("Lanugo" is also an English word used especially to refer to the soft woolly hair that covers the fetus of some mammals.) "Lanugo" itself is from "lana," meaning "wool," a root also at work in "lanolin," the term for wool grease that's refined for use in ointments and cosmetics.

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