Koan #3...

By Vichara

It’s Koan Monday…”The old pond, A jumping frog – plop!” Here is a wonderfully simple Koan and Haiku poem at the same time illustrating being in the moment. With the flurry of future thoughts and past experiences rolling in our heads we tend to forget the moment we are in right now…no matter where we are. By bringing ourselves back to the moment we are you may see something, even common, like you have never seen it before. The rusty truck, the flower vendor – Honk! Write one yourself through your travels in a day to refocus your attention to being present in this moment. You cannot change the past and the future is an out of focus concept, but being and enjoying the moment right now is attainable. Plop!

scilicet • \SKEE-lih-ket\ • adverb
: to wit, namely

Example Sentence:
"All appointments must be approved by the United States of America, scilicet, the President of the United States," stated the bill concerning the restructuring of the island's government.

Did you know?
"Scilicet" is a rare word that most often occurs in legal proceedings and instruments. It is from Latin "scire" ("to know") and "licet" ("it is permitted"), which is also a root of "videlicet" -- a synonym of "scilicet." Licet," in turn, descends from the Latin verb "licēre," which means "to be permitted" and is the ultimate source of the English words "leisure" and "license." "Scire" has also made other contributions to English, giving us such words as "conscience," "conscious," and "science."

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