Hot new product...JSU!!!...
Introducing a new weight loss program for the extraneous mental afflictions that weigh you down and keep you from moving forward. It’s the new verbal lobotomy called “JSU” – Just Shut Up! Yes folks it may sound like a miracle, it may sound like some otherworldly cure but when it comes to shedding the pounds of unnecessary conversation and excessive, useless banter sometimes it’s time for JSU! Not sold in stores or on-line, JSU comes to you from your own intuitive intellect without the required shipping charges with most commercial products. JSU come to you FREE! yes free folks. And the benefit you and others may gain is greater understanding, deeper emotions, peaceful attitudes and a myriad of other beneficial emotional results. Sometimes words are unnecessary, so try JSU today…batteries not included.
dead hand • \DED-HAND\ • noun
1 : an inalienable possession of property by a church or corporation
2 : the oppressive influence of the past
Example Sentence:
"If newspapers wish to survive," said Edward, "then editors need to wrest free from the dead hand of print journalism and embrace the more dynamic capabilities of the Web."
Did you know?
Does "dead hand" make you picture a pale dismembered hand creeping slowly toward its next unsuspecting victim? If so, you're in for a surprise -- but not a scary one. "Dead hand" is a literal translation of "mortmain," which comes from the Old French words "morte" (meaning "dead") and "main" (meaning "hand"). In very unspooky terms, both the French and English terms describe property that is left to a company, church, or charity in perpetuity. The "oppressive past influence" sense of both "mortmain" and "dead hand" developed from the idea of the dead exercising posthumous control over their property by dictating how it must be used after they die.
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