
By Vichara

Surrender! The word has a sense of failure one way and the sense of acceptance in another. Failure, because you have been defeated and acceptance to understand when another approach could be necessary. If you think for a moment we do surrender many times of the day to sometimes things you wouldn’t think of. You surrender to your mug of coffee / tea in hope that it will stimulate your alertness to function in the morning. Surrender and trust that the vehicle you are driving functions to get to work. Surrender to the foods we consume in that hey will provide the sustenance and nutritional value to keep the body going. And surrender to sleep that will give us needed rest to do this all over again the next day. Surrender can have a bad rap but in numerous ways we do it everyday. The key is in knowing that surrendering is not giving up; it is recognizing that maybe there is another way and that is not a failure.

proffer • \PRAH-fer\ • verb
: to present for acceptance : tender, offer

Example Sentence:
Several recommendations were proffered by the financial board on how to reduce the city's debt without making drastic cuts in department budgets.

Did you know?
You may notice a striking similarity between "proffer" and "offer." Are the two words connected by etymology? Yes, indeed. "Proffer" comes from Anglo-French "profrer," which itself is an alteration of the earlier "porofrir." That word in turn combines "por-" (which means "forth" and is related to our "pro-") and "offrir" (which means "to offer" and is an ancestor of our word "offer"). "Proffer" entered English in the 14th century. A more literary word than plain "offer," it adds or puts stress on the idea of voluntariness, spontaneity, or courtesy on the part of the one doing the tendering.

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