Resolve with resolve...

By Vichara

While sometimes it may seem ill advised, you may need to loosen the grip you have on a situation in order for some circulation to return in an effort to get things to resolve. Of course I am not talking about a physical grip but a physiological grip where the perceived need to have complete control could deter the situation at hand from resolving. You know like, stepping on your own feet, getting in your own way, that kind of idea. But there is sometimes the need and the requirement to take a step back and allow some things to work themselves out on their own. There is some intuitive trust that you must have in this relinquishment but there is some times where this will be needed. So when things may get very tense you can try to remember that sometimes releasing some of your firm resolve could help with the resolution.

El Dorado • \el-duh-RAH-doh\ • noun
1 : a city or country of fabulous riches held by 16th century explorers to exist in South America
2 : a place of fabulous wealth or opportunity

Example Sentence:
"To outsiders, California’s Silicon Valley looks like a contemporary El Dorado." (Time Magazine, Sept. 3, 1984)

Did you know?
In the early 1500s, Spanish conquistadores heard tales of an Amazonian king who regularly coated his body with gold dust, then plunged into a nearby lake to wash it off while being showered with gold and jewels thrown by his subjects. The Spaniards called the city ruled by this flamboyant monarch "El Dorado," Spanish for “gilded one,” and the story of the gold-covered king eventually grew into a legend of a whole country paved with gold. These days, “El Dorado” can also used generically for any place of vast riches, abundance, or opportunity. It is also the name of actual cities in Arkansas and Kansas.

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