The truths...

By Vichara

What truth will work for you today? One will appear and if it feels right there will not be a need to fortify it with a foundation of words, deeds or actions. If it is an essential truth it will stand up on it’s own and act as a guidepost / marker to the next phase of your journey. The key will be of course having the sensibility to recognize a truth when it appears and that is an intuitive skill that everyone has but will get masked by self-deception and indulgence. If you can break free of some of these delusions, the clarity of your vision will become clearer. The recognizing of basic but profound truths will appear effortlessly without a struggle and the path becomes clearer. Give up the struggle and your understanding becomes clearer.

eleemosynary • \el-ih-MAH-suh-nair-ee\ • adjective
: of, relating to, or supported by charity

Example Sentence:
"All politicians realize that senior citizens are the biggest contributors to eleemosynary causes … and are the most dependable source of volunteer hours for the public well-being." (Louis J. Finkle, The Biloxi Sun Herald [Mississippi], May 24, 2008)

Did you know?
While you may not agree with the grammarian who asserted that "a long and learned word like this should only be used under the stress of great need," you might find that remembering how to spell "eleemosynary" makes you tend to use its synonym "charitable" instead. The good people of early England had mercy on themselves when it came to spelling and shortened the root of "eleemosynary," the Latin "eleemosyna," to "ælmes," which they used as their word for "charity." (You may be more familiar with "alms," an "ælmes" derivative that came to denote food or money given to the poor.) The original Latin root was resurrected in the early 17th century to give us the spelling challenge of the adjective we feature today.

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