
By Vichara

Is all of this_________worth it? Is the frustration of _________really necessary? Can there be a better way of doing________? How much more of _________can go on? Is there a way to alter__________? Questions with holes. Vacancies where logic has been disgarded because of laziness to develop and implement a prudent alternative. There is only so many hours, minutes, seconds that are delivered to us on a silver plate everyday. If we choose to abandon them to do nothing we have only ourselves to blame when nothing happens. Do you really want to say to yourself you have done nothing today? Tell that to the young kid who has been told he only has maybe 2 years left to live. Tell that to the little girl that has been told that education is not necessary for her. Tell that to yourself as you throw away good food while there is need. It doesn’t take much. Do a little something or just have___________________.

whilom • \WYE-lum\ • adjective
: former
Example Sentence:
"His fatal miscalculation, however, might be his personal attacks on his whilom friend...." (The Baltimore Sun, May 2003)
Did you know?
"Whilom" shares an ancestor with the word "while." Both trace back to the Old English word "hwil," meaning "time" or "while." In Old English "hwilum" was an adverb meaning "at times." This use passed into Middle English (with a variety of spellings, one of which was "whilom"), and in the 12th century the word acquired the meaning "formerly." The adverb's usage dwindled toward the end of the 19th century, and it has since been labeled "archaic." The adjective first appeared on the scene in the 15th century, with the now-obsolete meaning "deceased," and by the end of the 16th century it was being used with the meaning "former." It's a relatively uncommon word, but it does see occasional use.

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