The same, but slightly different?...
Is it linear lines of fate that brings some of us together, pre-destined karma or just plain stupid luck? After meeting someone for the first time do you walk away and think wow that was interesting it was like we knew each other. Or gee that person seemed to know and push all my buttons. Is there a purpose to the interconnectivity of our daily lives? Sure in our work life we are thrown together with people, in what may not be an organic way, but I’m thinking of what may seem random. Why yesterday I met this gentleman and from the ease of the encounter it would seem that we had known each other for years. Could that be that in what people consider past lives that we have been set up again with the same set of encounters (but with different bodies) to reveal and revise the path of our lives once again? Pardon me do I know you?
nosocomial • \nah-suh-KOH-mee-ul\ • adjective
: acquired or occurring in a hospital
Example Sentence:
Mariah had expected to be out of the hospital today, but she was told that she had developed a nosocomial infection that would need to be monitored by the staff for at least 24 hours.
Did you know?
"Nosocomial" is a word that usually occurs in formal medical contexts; specifically, in reference to hospital-acquired sickness. We hope you never encounter "nosocomial" as part of your own medical diagnosis, but if you do, you might want to remember that the term descends from "nosocomium," the Late Latin word for "hospital." "Nosocomium" in turn traces to the Greek "nosos," meaning "disease." That root has given English other words as well, including "zoonosis" ("a disease communicable from animals to humans under natural conditions") and "nosology" ("a classification or list of diseases" or "a branch of medical science that deals with classification of diseases").
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