MIrror, Mirror...

By Vichara

We reflect what we are taught in the mirror of understanding. If your mirror is clouded and streaked with uncertainty it will be hard to have a clear vision of your intent. If you are too close the heat will fog your viewpoint and your vision will be myopic. Where you stand will determine the clarity, the understanding and the direction you will take and how others will view you. There will be a need at times to grab a big roll of paper towels and window cleaner to clear off the residue of misunderstanding and uncertainty. This process can take some time at first but it will become much easier over time with equanimity and self-realization. There will be even times when there will be little need to say “mirror, mirror on the wall, where the hell am I going" (I know that doesn’t rhyme) because what we reflect will not be isolated but be encompassing and unencumbered by doubt or misunderstanding.

translucent • \trans-LOO-sunt\ • adjective
1 : not transparent but clear enough to allow light to pass through
2 : free from disguise or falseness
Example Sentence:
The translucent window glass gave us enough daylight to work without allowing people standing outside to see in.
Did you know?
Look closely and you will see the same three letters in "translucent" and "elucidate," letting the family relationship between the two words shine through. Both terms descend from the Latin word "lucēre," meaning "to shine." ("Translucent" is from "lucēre" plus "trans-," which means "through.") When you "elucidate" something, you make it clear by explaining it in a way that can be easily understood -- you "shed light on" it. "Lucēre" is also the root of another bright and shining English word, "lucid," which can mean either "bright with light" or "clear and easy to understand."

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