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We live in a day where there is an insatiable need to stay connected by electronic devices. Blackberry, crackberry, i-This, i-That, Palm, Sole, Cranium – whatever they may be called. We type and talk while we drive, sit on the toilet, have dinner, even when we are sitting with other people. Then there are some who can send messages while walking at break neck speeds, which I’m sure will be an Olympic sport very soon. Regardless of the etiquette issues related to some of these styles there seems to be a deeper for some for this compulsion to be in constant communication. Deep down we all want to know and feel that we are wanted, accepted and loved so we seek this from others. Even if you are the most cynical there is still a desire for this at some level. But in order to fully connect with others we must be connected with ourselves. Fortunately for us we have a device to communicate with ourselves that does not need batteries, wires, buttons or Internet connection. It is called-reflection (or if you want to be fancy, i-Reflection). Take any thought, idea, concern or something you are pondering and process this through i-Reflection to seek illumination and direction. It is sometimes best to use i-Reflection in quieter and solitary places to get the best results. What you will find after diligent use of i-Reflection is a decrease in obsessive communication, a reduction of the superfluous and a clarity of thought. The best thing is that i-Reflection is available to you right now for the low, low price of FREE!
embezzle • \im-BEZZ-ul\ • verb
: to appropriate (as property entrusted to one's care) fraudulently to one's own use
Example Sentence:
The company’s senior accounts manager was able to embezzle thousands of dollars from his employer by way of a loophole in accounting procedures.
Did you know?
English has a lot of verbs that mean to steal -- some more specific than others. "Pilfer," "purloin," "rob," "swipe," "plunder," "filch," and "thieve" are some noted examples. "Embezzle" differs from these by stressing the improper appropriation of property to which a person is entrusted -- often in the form of company funds. First appearing in English in the 15th century, "embezzle" derives via Middle English from the Anglo-French "embesiller," meaning "to make away," formed from the prefix "en-" and the verb "besiller," meaning "to steal or plunder." Related to "embezzle" is "bezzle,"
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