By Vichara
We trip over our insecurities and receive bruises from remarks from others, but we survive. We will stutter from heartbreak and bump into hard truths, but we survive. We may not see our limitations until it is too late, but we manage to survive. These encounters are just pages turning into chapters turning into bound experiences that create the library of our unique lives. Some of the pages may seem to be a bit ragged and tattered but we should not tear them out and throw them away. They are as important as the front and back covers and complete the story. Today starts a new chapter with fresh new pages that have just been given to you. It is up to you to illustrate them with as much candor and compassion as you can muster. Oh and by the way, it is ok to color outside the lines…it’s your book.
By Vichara
Did you know that if you were...I saw this article last night where...can you believe that they said on the news last night...what a wonderful surprise it was to sad that it happened to...oh they are so happy you just want this is not rantings from an ADD world but fragments that characterize how I experience the actions of individuals I meet. Now this may not be how it is everywhere that would be a generalization but in this text-tablet-laptop world distractions are abundant. Fragmentation of conversations, tasks and actions all seem to be commonplace. I guess the assumption is that our gadgetry can multiple-task on multiple levels that these organic bodies should be able to do so as well. While we are a resilient species I believe we need to instill and maintain the need to complete things that we start with compassion and patience for each other. Our distractions come from the fear that we may be missing out on something so we try to keep up with a megabyte world. We are humanoid, not android. Finish what you started today or...
By Vichara
As I stepped outside today I noticed giant shadow that was cast in my path. I could not tell the source of this darkened patch and was curious of it's presence. As I approached it the darkened patch did not move as expected it believing the root of this darkened area to be from me but it grew darker. Almost like it recognized me and elevated its hue and density in some form of protection? Now as I was standing inside this mass I noticed some odd luminance within this darkness. I leaned in even farther and reflected back were images revealed from my past. But these were not necessarily happy images. These were of sad and troubled experiences. I drew back slightly in recognition and apprehension but did not run away. Was this shadow a threat or a blessing? Had it been there all along and I failed to notice it? My attention drew me back to the images and their story and I focused on each one in an effort to understand. With this focus this shadowy companion seemed to reveal a little more and then something remarkable happened. The once darkened patch seem to fill with more light and less ominous. Like a door was opened to daylight from a darkened room. More focus, more light, better understanding. Sometimes shadows are truths waiting to be revealed and understood and not to be feared after all.
By Vichara
As I ply my way through the day I sometimes envision my journey like a small ship making it's way through the islands of sound, ideas, faces and circumstances. Occasionally I am confronted by an island of altruism that is so inviting I want to dock there for a long time and be inspired. There are so many of these islands out there it often raises this question (well, at least to me). If there are so many organizations out there that are doing good, that have a good heart and have shown positive results (big or small) why can't they all join together and create a tsunami of good? An altruistic bridge that could link all of these lone voices of good into a choir of compassion and positive actions. A unification point where those not sure of their destination point being lost in a sea of negativity could find solace and inspiration.
By Vichara
When it really comes down to it all in this life there is only two things that we want…to be loved and respected. To you, быть полюбленным и уважать and to you, zu geliebt werden und respektiert werden and for you, om worden gehouden en worden geëerbiedigd and to you, 将被爱和被尊敬. Love – to know that this very primal element has been met and fulfilled and from receiving love it opens up the doors so that we can extent love. Respected – to know that the sum total of our acts and actions have not been a complete waste of time and have had some sense of value. Because when it really comes down to that final moment, that final breath, that final thought and that final last thing you see it doesn’t matter how much you physically have amassed it is love and respect that will matter the most. As I have quoted before from a dear friend “you never see a U-Haul truck following a hearse”. This is not to say we should all be ascetics and lives sparingly (unless you want to). Enjoy what you have but know that it just physical and it suffers from the same kind of impermanence that you do and we all do. It might be smarter and more rewarding not to invest in so many physical things and invest your time and energy in the Bank of Love and Respect. It will yield a higher interest rate for the portfolio of your life.
By Vichara
With knowledge comes opportunity but have we become so smart and able to perceive so much that faith does not have a place for us? I was thinking of Albert Einstein a man believed to be incredibly smart and yet faith, spirituality and god would still enter the sphere of his thinking. In some ways it can be like magic tricks. When you finally learn how they are done can you still enjoy the spectacle of it all? Though he may have known how the “show” works did Albert still enjoy the show? I think he did. I believe you can understand a great number of things and other things you can reason with but there are the other things where faith can provide a passage across the bridge to an understanding. That may seem a bit tenuous but sometimes faith is the needed element in the formula to reach the answers you may want to find. I think that may be even a methodology that Albert may have entertained. U=FK2 (Understanding = Faith & Knowledge squared)
By Vichara
We have created a world where indifference is a comfort for the ever-present fear we hold on to. We have created worlds within world with sound and glass. The glass to hide behind and yet still see the world like some goldfish peering out into the world that we barely exist in. We create a musical world where the rhythm and words are plugged into our ears and gives us a crutch to walk out on the street and interact with the world at a minimum. Perhaps it may be a good time to have a little chat with this fear that we have as a companion and reason with it or at least let it go on a vacation…a long one. Yes there beneficial factors in having a sense of fear in that it provides that tingly sense when something is a bit off and you need to readjust your course. But then there is the obsessive fear that many of us seem to walk around with that hinders our natural gait. This fear comes in many colors, shapes and sizes but at its core it is the same effect, preventing you from being fully engaged and connected with the world around you. What to do with this fear? There are many avenues to explore from many forms of therapy but it would best to engage in one that makes you comfortable and will not judge. I am not licensed nor do I have expertise in therapeutic methodologies but the one thing I am sure of unless you have this “chat” with those fears that hold you back you will always have this companion that will not let go. Once fear is being confronted it can only be dealt with and sent packing on that long vacation.
By Vichara
There are times I wish our lives were more like a NASCAR stock car race…minus the going around in circles bit. Whenever there is trouble on a NASCAR track flagman appear and make their way out on the track to warn other drivers that there is a problem. If it is really serious they will stop all the drivers completely. I think sometimes wouldn’t it be great if “life” had flagman (or flag women) that would appear to warn us of some dangers ahead before they happened. A special non-denominational crew that would be at the ready to help out there about to cross a figurative bridge in the fog or warn them that there is no bridge and help with an alternate route. Of course there is always a need to develop your own intuitive skill but sometimes a little help is warranted. Plus it would be a lot of fun to have a pit crew around with those fancy colored jump suits.
By Vichara
What is the actual speed of impermanence? We know that we are subject to this constant but is there a measured speed in which this state of impermanence exists? Can you get in a vehicle, buckle up and excellerate to set speed where impermanence becomes moot? Where you do not age, you don't see death, you are not hungry, the plants stay green and life does not change? But you can see here where you can paint yourself into a proverbial corner with these possible end-points. Life is not like that, it needs to change in order for us experience it fully. If things remained the same life would lack the random series of events that would initiate the multiple paths that would be set forth in front of us and develop the adventures that would be reflected upon later as your "life". Let's face it, we need impermanence to keep us sane. Even though sitting here writing this all seems to be relatively still with the quiet cooing of the birds below, the leaves in the trees resting and the slow smoke of the incense burning in front of me in reality everything around me is is rapidly changing in the majesty that makes up this impermanent world creating the opportunities for many possible adventures that are available to ALL of us regardless of where you are in the world.
By Vichara
There was a time not so long ago that TV stations did not start to broadcast programs including the news until sometimes 7am. Now in this 24 hour televised world every station is fighting to be the first to report…the bad news. It has become obsessive for all of them to ensure that we all know how bad the world is every minute of the day. Yes we all know from the Buddhist canon that the 4 Noble Truths tell us that “life is suffering” but I’m sure that many of you out there know that life has many good points and is not only doom & gloom like those televised talking heads want you to believe. We need to start a revolution, a revolution of good news. I know its out there, we may have witnessed it ourselves. The moments of selflessness, simple acts of kindness and gestures of good that have made a difference. We need to turn that adage “bad news sells” to “good news inspires”. What if there was a dedicated segment of the news where our local anchor people run down simple stories of compassion and goodness. I’m sure that somewhere there is evidence that bad acts inspire other bad acts, we assume that they will always be there. But what if we try to tip the balance and show clear evidence of good acts to inspire other good acts. Now that would be a wonderful revolution!
By Vichara
When a doctor prescribes medication for what ails you the instructions as that you take the required number of doses each day until the bottle is empty. For many of us we comply and we end up do feeling better. The same methodology should be with our spiritual practice and with those things that make us feel connected. If you have found that a dose of meditation helpful then why not take a daily dose of it. If you have yoga beneficial then roll that matt out daily. If prayer injects some stability and perspective in your day, then why not create a spot and time for daily reflection. If we can be so diligent with the medication to make us feel better then why can’t we create the opportunity and place to make us feel better from activities that cost…nothing?
By Vichara
The 8th century Buddhist scholar Shantideva once said “We are all slaves of our own actions. Why be angry with anyone else?” I know there is a sentiment that sometimes the world is out to get you and why even try, it’s hopeless. Of course we like to empathic with the troubles of others but truly we must look, review and resolve the root of whatever troubles and yes the good stuff that enters our path. After all we are and need to be ultimately responsible for our actions because more than ultimately the one who created them. Why be angry with anyone else as Shantideva said, this is your life. Even if you think that you could hide away and have no contact with others to avoid troubles you will get hungry and possibly sick. An action again created by you. Perhaps if you mandate to yourself that even though things will happen to you (good or bad) you will be accepting and responsible and try to cultivate a compassionate path for not only you but for others as well.
By Vichara
You belief system needs to be able to support and protect you. Make sure that the ever-growning resovioir is being filled with thoughts and actions that have genuine merit. Ensure they do not need to justify themselves with extraneous words and they are based in compassion. When filtered in this manner and carried by you they will sustain and create a foundation with moral and humanistic fortitude. There is not an obligation to do this, just a suggestion. After all, it is your path and you must decide what to do.
By Vichara
Don't let ceremony and tradition become cages that hinder any growth or movement forward. It is fine to have our practices and the rituals that we perform but be careful that they may solely define what our practice is and create barriers for growth. We can all get comfortable with routine and the haven it creates but that could be the time to shake things up and allow a certain element of uncertainty be part of the guiding factor of the day. A crucial spark of spontaneity that ignites a random thought into profound action. An accidental simple act that could change the course of your life. They are all out there waiting with both indifference and anticipation but they may only be encountered by not getting mired down in the role of what is expected. Sometimes you may need to steer of course slightly in order to encounter new land, new thought and a new adventure.
By Vichara
Which “cart” will you attach and which direction will you travel? If you listen very carefully you will hear what those around you are pulling. It will be subtle with some but within the subtext and mannerisms it will be revealed. For others it will blatant and obvious and you know which ones let pas by and which ones to invite in. Which brings us back to you. While seemingly untethered when you awake you may still retain the fragments of yesterday’s “carts”. Perhaps before you pull out of the station today you do an inventory of the “carts” still left latched on to your coupling. Which ones are you willing to drag around again and which ones serve no purpose. I think you know what I mean. Tooooot, tooooot (yes, train whistle). “All aboard, today is leaving the station…track 29….be on time.
By Vichara
Where can you go tomorrow when you have not even “lived” this day yet? Yes there is some element of preparedness that would and prove to be useful but more than likely if you were cognizant in each moment the resolve and resources would be apparent. So let’s see if we can go the distance, just for today. No I’m not talking about lacing up your shoes for a 20K but lacing up the whole package, mind, body & soul. See if we can make a difference today even if it is in a minor, it’s still significant. As that sports company says, just do it! See you out on the track!
By Vichara
Water will flow and make its way to wherever it is accepted and needed, much like compassion and knowledge. You can open up the channels and release but unless they can find a home in hearts and minds they will lay dormant and dry up. It is up to each one of us to open up our personal reservoirs and direct these streams to the arid regions of the hearts and minds that we meet.
By Vichara
All that you leave behind is the physical sum total of what you don’t need. What truly is important? What truly is needed on this journey? What baggage can be left behind as you go out that door today? You can leave it behind if you want to, there’s plenty of room. Wait; don’t think about it later in hope that it will sort itself out, look at what you are carrying now. I can guarantee that there are a few things you can leave behind right now and make your load a little lighter. You’ll feel better and create some room to pick up a few good life souvenirs that will mean more and weigh less. See ya on board the bus! ☺
By Vichara
If you going to fish for the big questions in life, you need to make sure you have the right kind of bait. Every good fisherman knows that before you go out to catch a specific fish that you do your research and ensure you have the right bait that will attract what you are trying to catch. The same thing applies when you are serious about finding the answers to life's challenging questions. Of course the debate among life fisherman is what is the right bait but I believe the majority can agree on the following to catch the "Big Fish"; an understanding of the reality of life and the way things are without name or label. Holding a commitment to an ethical life and the intention to live a life of good will. Don't indulge in idle talk or gossip. Act kindly and compassionately and do no harm to other beings. Walk a path in which you mindfully cultivate a good respectable life in your daily actions. Make an effort to be truthful and honest everyday. Be mindful and fully present when engaged with others. If you are "there"' they will be "there". And keep focused and passionate with life, for all we know it is the only one given. Of course the one thing that all good fisherman know is needed with any fishing trip is patience. Without patience we cannot be still enough to allow the "Big Fish" to come near the hook of understanding that has been dropped in the frenetic sea.
By Vichara
Do not listen to a single voice. Do not rely on the wisdom of one. Do not act in accordance with one authority. Do not follow one man or one woman’s doctrine just because they are “famous”. As there are many people in the world, there are that many voices. Your path, no matter where it leads, will encounter those voices, thoughts and revelations that are needed to move on to the next “stepping stone”. Do not walk a single path, as one path will not contain all of the stepping-stones needed for the journey. No one doctrine has a single voice, they all have their prophets, wise men / women, thinkers, doers and guides. It is in this collected wisdom is where we define our own personal path built with the breadth of knowledge and wisdom of many, not just from the past but from today and the future.
By Vichara
We need so little, but want so much. We speak so much, but have so little to say. We can travel so far, but get much further just where we are. The pitfalls and pleasures of bring able to live in a time and place where opportunities and “things” are in abundance for those that can find the means and ways to obtain and can acquire. We revel in these items with their cleverness and ingenuity and even believe that we could not live without them. So many things, so much noise designed for a vision of someone we believe we are but this vision of ourselves is so far in the distance, we can never catch up with it. For those who want to, stop, pull back the reins a bit of perceived need and instead of using 10 things to get through a day, use 1 and use it well. Instead of speaking volumes without great substance, speak less but with clarity and compassion.
By Vichara
You may not know this but when we were born we all signed a contract. We signed it audibly with that first cry. I know, I know you are saying it can’t be valid because some doctor slapped you into doing it and so it was coerced. You would have done it anyway even without a little coaxing. We all needed to announce our arrival into this world. With this announcement comes acceptance of the responsibility we all assume when we enter this world. First the world is relatively easy on the terms and us. We merely sleep, eat, gurgle and defecate. But as time goes by and we start to “see’ things and recognizing challenges and opportunities the contract become a little more evident. There will be some clauses in our contract that may take years to fulfill and there will be tears and laughter to balance the terms. In the end what could be the toughest or the easiest overall term, depending on the spirit of your will be this; regardless of how the world is presented to you treat each moment with love, patience and compassion.
By Vichara
What more doe you want when it is given to you on a silver platter every morning. There are no trumpets or fireworks but it is given to you regardless of your place in this world. It is a brand new day just for you. It is a ticket printed for you and only you. Here it is fill in where you want to go and what you want to see, feel & hear. Just one thing, when the lights go out tonight, make sure it’s not empty…