The speed of impermanence...

By Vichara

What is the actual speed of impermanence? We know that we are subject to this constant but is there a measured speed in which this state of impermanence exists? Can you get in a vehicle, buckle up and excellerate to set speed where impermanence becomes moot?  Where you do not age, you don't see death, you are not hungry, the plants stay green and life does not change?  But you can see here where you can paint yourself into a proverbial corner with these possible end-points. Life is not like that, it needs to change in order for us experience it fully. If things remained the same life would lack the random series of events that would initiate the multiple paths that would be set forth in front of us and develop the adventures that would be reflected upon later as your "life". Let's face it, we need impermanence to keep us sane.  Even though sitting here writing this all seems to be relatively still with the quiet cooing of the birds below, the leaves in the trees resting and the slow smoke of the incense burning in front of me in reality everything around me is is rapidly changing in the majesty that makes up this impermanent world creating the opportunities for many possible adventures that are available to ALL of us regardless of where you are in the world.

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