Steer a new course...

By Vichara

Don't let ceremony and tradition become cages that hinder any growth or movement forward.  It is fine to have our practices and the rituals that we perform but be careful that they may solely define what our practice is and create barriers for growth.  We can all get comfortable with routine and the haven it creates but that could be the time to shake things up and allow a certain element of  uncertainty be part of the guiding factor of the day.  A crucial spark of spontaneity that ignites a random thought into profound action.  An accidental simple act that could change the course of your life.  They are all out there waiting with both indifference and anticipation but they may only be encountered by not getting mired down in the role of what is expected.  Sometimes you may need to steer of course slightly in order to encounter new land, new thought and a new adventure.

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