The shadow knows...

By Vichara

As I stepped outside today I noticed giant shadow that was cast in my path.  I could not tell the source of this darkened patch and was curious of it's presence.  As I approached it the darkened patch did not move as expected it believing the root of this darkened area to be from me but it grew darker.  Almost like it recognized me and elevated its hue and density in some form of protection?  Now as I was standing inside this mass I noticed some odd luminance within this darkness.  I leaned in even farther and reflected back were images revealed from my past.  But these were not necessarily happy images.  These were of sad and troubled experiences.  I drew back slightly in recognition and apprehension but did not run away.  Was this shadow a threat or a blessing?  Had it been there all along and I failed to notice it?  My attention drew me back to the images and their story and I focused on each one in an effort to understand.  With this focus this shadowy companion seemed to reveal a little more and then something remarkable happened.  The once darkened patch seem to fill with more light and less ominous.  Like a door was opened to daylight from a darkened room.  More focus, more light, better understanding.  Sometimes shadows are truths waiting to be revealed and understood and not to be feared after all. 

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