
By Vichara

Fear is big business! It should be bought, sold and traded on Wall Street. In some ways it is when they speculate if certain bad things happen that could result in a set of falling cards that will benefit a select few. But the fear I am thinking of is the kind that seems to have started a very long time ago and in many ways has a life of its own and is continuously fed. Fed by those who see its true nature and benefit with keeping it alive. The products sold, the books, the TV shows and movies all stressing the point that we must fear. We must know that bad things will happen to us…but then maybe not as much as is believed. What if we didn’t have to fear as much as they preach to us? What if the virus of cooperation and compassion was allowed to infect us instead of the virus of fear? Yes these “what if” questions may sound naïve, but what if?

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