Reaching out - inside...

By Vichara

For a number of mornings over the last few weeks the words “keep reaching out” has appeared when I awake. And indicative of this forum I kept asking “to what?” There has never been a response or a thought thread that would offer itself up for expansion until this morning when this small innocent word silently and innocently responded – “inside”. Keep reaching out – inside. I know that paired together may not seem to make sense and contradictive but it became clearer in the cold morning light. Our natural compulsion for those that have ambition, drive or even the simplest curiosity with life is to keep reaching out and moving forward. While that of course is logical there is also a need and I think an almost requirement that we need to reach out – inside. Check in with ourselves and see if we are being a friend to ourselves, being kind in our troubles, being happy in our triumphs and to ensure the steps we are taking are footed in compassion and love not only for ourselves but for those around us as well.

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