A litle exercise...
Here's a little "being cognizant" exercise. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences as honestly as possible. I am _____years old and I should be making this much, $_________ at this time in my life. I should have travelled to_____________ by this time. I should be happy and ________ . I should have a degree in___________, I should have seen_________, I should have read__________ by now and I should know_____________ .
Now take this and if it was printed on paper crumble it up and throw it away. If it on a screen, delete it. Yes all of those things that you filled in are important and have relevance but they are part of the could-a, should-a, would-a world. What is truly important is that which you have right now in your life and be thankful for those things. It is this appreciation of this "now" which forms the foundation of where and how you will go in your life. If you don't appreciate all that is in front of you right now how can you even begin to appreciate those things that you want to achieve and experience. It is wonderful to have as many aspirations as you can gather in your life basket but you also need to be cognizant of what is in your hands, heart and mind right now. For it is those things that will provide the fodder and steering mechanism to where you want to go and how far you want to go.
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