War is declared!!!...

By Vichara

Love declares war! As of 3:14am today the United Forces of Love have declared war on the world and the elements of Evil, Apathy and Intolerance. In literally thousands of geographic areas of the world the Forces of Love have risen up. Tired and frustrated with the persecution these battalions of love and respect have taken up positions in every city, town, village, hamlet and hidden geographic zone. You will not be able to see them as they wear no uniform, carry no weapons and are not made up of any one sex, religion or belief system. They have been undercover but because of their name being manipulated and co-opted by the many devious cells of deceit. They have risen up to take back the world and restore the balance. There will be no bullets, no bombs, no fists, no screaming and no devastation. Instead these forces are moving with stealth-like manner and will stop until their mission is complete. They could be standing right next to you and you may not know it. They may be that person with the quiet smile or the glint in their eye. In fact you may be one of them! Rise up and join the Forces of Love! Do one act of love today and join us to take over….THE WORLD!!!!!!

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