A new diet...

By Vichara

I'm trying a new diet that I just discovered and so far it seems to be working.  This diet is called "NEED" (Negative Emotional Elimination Diet).  What is does by not ingesting excess pounds of fear, discursive conversation and negativity thrown at us all from areas of the waking hours we are able to free up time and energy to more positive and productive areas and projects.  Now I can hear the collective groan from a number of you reading this and I expect that but here's the thing...I'm not going to ingest that.  No, I am not falling into a Pollyanna naive cave of denial that there is not a glut of negative emotions out there in the world.  Far from that.  I totally accept it but I'm not eating it.  Instead I am looking at the finite hours in the day, taking a stand, making a decision and applying the "NEED" diet.  Instead of wallowing in the excessive calories of contempt, fear, remorse, anxiety, dread and retaliation I will be making a low calorie smoothies of optimism, joy, love, hope and compassion.  Ok, this may be a bit radical and naive for for some so here is my suggestion.  And it is just a suggestion because you do have a choice.  Try a little of the "NEED" diet and see how it goes but I think at the end of the day you will saying I need, "NEED".

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