Come together...
From two different sides of the world, two sayings from two anonymous sources connect in an understanding of how sometimes when we feel a sense of hopelessness; a new path is revealed to us. It’s almost like the obscurities that spin around us to distraction are suddenly cleared by our shared single-minded focus to find an answer. These answers are always there but are blocked by negative influences. As soon as the course has been shifted to a positive direction they are revealed. I say this not only for you but also for me of course. And in remembering this fact that we can help each other out in the difficult times with love, compassion and patience.
causerie • \kohz-REE\ • noun
1 : an informal conversation : chat
2 : a short informal essay
Example Sentence:
After the table was cleared and coffee was served, the dinner guests rose and continued their causerie in the other room.
Did you know?
"Causerie" first appeared in English in the early 19th century, and it can be traced back to French "causer" ("to chat") and ultimately to Latin "causa" ("cause, reason"). The word was originally used to refer to a friendly or informal conversation. Then, in 1849, the author and critic Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve began publishing a weekly column devoted to literary topics in the French newspaper Le Constitutionnel. These critical essays were called "Causeries du lundi" ("Monday chats") and were later collected into a series of books of the same name. After that, the word "causerie" acquired a second sense in English, referring to a brief, informal article or essay.
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