Question things...

By Vichara

Question everything. Question why you did what you just did. Question why you decided to do something. Question the way you spoke to that person. Question why you felt how you felt when you left the room. This is not to create a self-imposed paranoia state, no not at all. It is to heighten the senses and how we come to the world every moment. This is not to make you hyper sensitive and fearful, it is to strip away the trashing about in how we spend a majority of our day. It is so we can rise up through the turbulent waters of Maya buoyant with the confidence that all can be resolved with a patient and compassionate heart.

ennead • \EN-ee-ad\ • noun
: a group of nine

Example Sentence:
Immediately following the show, viewers will be able to call or text in their votes for their favorite among this ennead of remaining contestants.

Did you know?
Since ancient times, various groups of people have considered nine to be a very special and sacred number. Legends and literature have long characterized groups of nine as having a special, in some cases magical, significance. Ancient Egyptians organized their gods into groups of nine; even today, their principal group of gods (headed by sun god Re-Atum) is called the "Great Ennead of Heliopolis." The "Ennead" English speakers use in that name traces to "ennea," the Greek word for "nine." "Ennead" is also used generally to refer to other groups of ancient gods. Furthermore, it is the name given to six sets of nine treatises by Greek philosopher Plotinus that were collected and organized by his 3rd-century disciple, Porphyry.

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